I was listening to the audio of a video being uploaded to my social media today, talking about how I stay consistent. It is a question I’ve heard often, over time, from clients and general people on social […]
I love this definition of the word NEW: already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time. “I love it mostly because everything you are setting out to do this year, your goals, […]
If you own a business with staff or a team, one of your focus areas as an owner and leader should be to become a strength finder.
Do you do anything special in your business around the 4th quarter? September has always been sacred for me. It was sacred before I knew that it should be sacred. LOL September exists as a part of a […]
The Blue Print. We all have one. It is unequally wrapped up in our DNA. There is simply a path that works better for how we are made, wired, and designed Many people never walk their intended path, […]
Do entrepreneurs need inner work and healing to be successful? One thing is for certain, you take all of you, every unique and even uncovered part of you, everywhere you go. Your business is no exception. I often […]
Three ways to know you are tapping into a new space of abundance! Here are three ways to know you are tapping into a new space of abundance! 1-Your concept of what A LOT of MONEY is, is […]
Each and every time I am able to make a transition to a new level it is always, always, always because I have gone within and tapped into my own personal power. It is never, ever, ever because […]
Most people think Time is money. They look for more time …so they can make more money. I disagree. I earn more money so I can buy back my time. If you follow me for any amount of […]
Women having boundaries is not about aggressively stating your demands, likes, and dislikes.It is about honoring your true nature of being able to continue in the divine plan God has for you . The one that’s filled with […]