Happening Now
Simplify Your Business, Build Your Brand, Create Additional streams of Income, Scale Your Business, Make More Money, Less Your Effort
Personal Growth
Inner Work/ Healing/ Spiritual Growth
As a Certified Life and Business Coach Tanya’s Programs are designed to help women grow and tap into their feminity, and mastery of self.
Abundance Mindset
Your Mind Has A lot to Do With Your Money and everything else you set out to do. It is your God- Given superpower. Once you learn to tap into it’s power, it’s up!
Developing new capacities to receive increases the abundance you experience.
Tanya’s body of work helps you shift to new abundant states where your desires are actualized with more grace and ease! Uncovering limiting beliefs and shifting your identity in order to be an energetic match for the higher-level desires you have.
We Live in an abundant world with a God who has supplied everything in abundance.
There is an abundance of everything available that you want and need!
You just need to become a match for it!
Ready to take your business to new levels, with less of your effort?
My energy is to help you 3-5x your income and allow you more freedom as you Grow.
Hi, I’m Tanya. Transformational Business and Mindset Coach.
My mission is your freedom as a business owner.
My goal is to help you identify what will allow you to get to your next level, simplify the process, and get there faster.
I believe you should make a lot of money without the overwhelm.
My framework for working with clients includes helping service-based businesses (including brick-and-mortar and Coaches) reach at least six figures in their skillset. I help you transition by creating a Brand that allows you to monetize your expertise and Teach What You Know as part of your evolution and growth.
As part of your next level of freedom.
Whether that is through hiring and training staff who can duplicate your processes allowing you more time freedom, or through creating a Premium Offer you deliver through Coaching, Teaching/Training from your expertise.
Your premium offer allows you to make more money without trading all your time for dollars.
Are you looking to scale your business, step into your personal power, and create a lifestyle you love? Those are my zones of genius!
Scaling isn’t about you as the business owner, doing more stuff!
Jackie is an alumni of 3D Success Academy For Women In Business
The Renew Concept is our framework for helping clients become the Visionary of their Businesses and earn more with less of their effort!
Have you been trying to do “all the things?”
Hiring, marketing, bookkeeping, web designing, daily operations, learning all the skillsets, opening another location, starting another business, on every social media platform, networking at all the events, is that you?
That isn’t necessarily going to scale your business.
If you are stretched trying to do it, that also isn’t Abundance, no matter how much you’re making!
Without the right systems and foundation, it only creates a BIGGER job for you.
Especially when you don’t have the energy and effort to maintain it.
You opened your business to create more freedom, make great money, and do more of what you love! Not a business you feel tied to it!
Let’s go within.
Allow me to assist you in really designing the business and life you love not one you tolerate.
Your results will come with greater ease and fulfillment!
After owning a successful brick-and-mortar business in the Wellness and Beauty Industry and hiring a team of 12 for over a decade I know the importance of systems, hiring the right help, and having Vision as a leader. Add an additional decade of Coaching and Consulting and systems and creating efficiency has proven itself again in the area of work-life harmony and earning more with less of my effort.
I am here to support you as you actualize your big goals and dreams for your business that support family legacy, work-life harmony, time freedom, and a lot of freaking money!
The journey to scale isn’t about doing more stuff.
It’s about running your business with greater systems and more efficiency while producing a greater profit!
“I can breath. Working with Tanya has been great. I have more time with my husband. I feel comfortable not calling and popping in on my staff. I am focused more on working “on” my business not “in” my bsiness. I should have come to you a long time ago.”
Serial Entrepreneur. Owner of 9 businesses.
Nu Look Bounce, Nu LooK Detailing, Nu Look Lashes and Glasses, New Look Salon, etc.
~Shelia Leggette
I invite you to Design your own Destiny and create the business and lifestyle you love!
The number of women overwhelmed in their business-building process is the reason we use
The Renew Concept to help you create a fully aligned business that makes great money.
Our simple transformational solution,
The Renew Concept is a 3 Part framework that simplifies your process, allows you to step fully into your personal power as a leader in your business, and build a highly profitable aligned Brand.
This is where grace and flow is created. This is where you tap into your next level of abundance, freedom, more money, and your time-rich business.!
“Discipline was a huge takeaway for me. My opportunity with Tanya moved me out of my comfort zone and into a beautiful space of accountability. She helped me tap into my senses in so many ways, so many times, in my time working with her. This has enabled me to tap into abundance and make room for it in my business. There are so many things I can pull out of my journey for all of the work I’ve had the opportunity to do with her. With the principles she teaches, you can apply them to your business and your everyday life. It’s amazing when you apply the principles to your business. You are going to see results”
~Sojorna Worthy
Wellness Coach/ Product Company/Salon Owner
Twist It Sistah Salon/ So Worthy Products
We build businesses from a holistic perspective. (from the inside out)simply One thing we know to be true is BIG business is an inner work game.
Our goal is for you to build the most soul-aligned business that works for every area of your life.
Are you willing to:
*Build a business model that doesn’t require you to be tied to the business… with real systems?
*No longer operate in roles you’ve outgrown and allow your business to truly grow?
*No longer accept inconsistent income and opportunities?
*No longer feel overworked, overwhelmed, and uncertain?
*Create Time Freedom that allows you to do more of what you love and still run an amazingly profitable Business?
It’s time for your business to be RENEWed.
We walk all of our clients through some aspect of the RENEW CONCEPT, our framework for helping clients achieve their highest business and Life Goals.
I saw you on a video on YouTube talking and teaching before social media was a popular thing that offered video. I knew then I wanted to work with you and meet you. I cried during our first Soar Call because you were giving me the business. You then laid it all the way down during my Strategy Session. There have been times when you would give me one thing to tweak or change and the results would simply be amazing. It’s great to have a mentor, but a Kingdom mentor, you get double the insight. You gave me one strategy through my newsletter for email marketing and people were just buying and buying. You are always giving. You add value to so many lives. I’ve increased so much financially. My time with you has been amazing.
Miesha Edmonds–
Business Coach to Trichologist, Certified Trichologist, Licensed Cosmetologist, Certified Trichologist
Most entrepreneurs are creating their business/life by default and not one they’ve designed. The Destiny Pillar offers the ultimate Clarity and Direction for Women in Business to design the business and lifestyle they love.
The Dollar$ Pillar is all about prosperity and
how you make more money with greater ease!
Disciplines can hold masculine energy, but we teach it from a space of ease and alignment that offers more trust and feminine energy to manifest. Discipline is where your systems come into play. This is how you hold all that your business will receive. Your feminine energy is about receiving. Each level of Growth requires new systems and new behaviors. A new capacity for the more you are calling into your business. Our Disciplines Pillar helps you lead your business powerfully, and with certainty, in order to offer high-level results for your premium clients.
Exceptional Coach Mastermind
The Mastermind For Coaches
An 8th Month Container for ambitious woman Coaches/Teachers/Trainers looking to Brand, expand, and package her expertise.
The link below will lead to a calendar. Once you click a date it automatically leads you to the application.
Tanya has helped me identify and uncover my gifts and talents and package them into a system I now use to help my clients. Tanya has helped me understand my value in the marketplace and embody the energy to charge well for my services. I love working with her and the fact she can help me identify my unique gifts and monetize them, which I don’t always see because I use them naturally. ~Asiyah KhaatoonBusiness and Personal Growth Strategist/ After School Program Owner/Director