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A simple powerful Impactful guide to assist you in creating the business and lifestyle you love by policing your thoughts, adopting a new mindset, and changing what you say!
If you ever desired to do any of the following
- Create an amazing life you love
- Overcome bad habits
- Manifest new desires and experiences
- Increase productivity
- Control negative feelings
- Own your personal power
- Manifest new desires
This Affirmations= guide will assist you in the fundamentals needed!
This Affirmations guide
- Is a soundboard equipped with the practice of affirmation and how to use them to expand your current reality to the one you truly desire.
- Can be tweaked to personalize adding your name, descriptions of what you desire, dollar amounts, or things specific to you!
- Contains over 120 abundance thinking affirmations
- Is arranged in categories to make it easy for you to focus on specific areas you may need at the time
- Provides workspace to create, tweak or change and create your own affirmations
- Has beautiful pictures to help you visualize what you desire
- Is equipped with bonus scriptures that align fully

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