The Blue Print.
We all have one.
It is unequally wrapped up in our DNA.
There is simply a path that works better for how we are made, wired, and designed
Many people never walk their intended path, blueprint, or Destiny.
They get thrown off by confusion. Fake fruit!
Wasting their time, and energy and invest themselves in distractions that appear profitable.
Veering off of their path.
Mainly because they don’t stop to slow down and get tapped in.
As I am writing this, I’m thinking of the number of clients who have had extreme AHA moments embracing the body of work I teach around business.
So many people have uncovered their true path and gifts simply by learning more about who they are, getting Vision Clarity, and having divine accountability to see it through.
A seamstress turned successful Realtor.
A stylist turned Exceptional Coach
A woman in corporate America, turned her side hustle into a business (A Brick and mortar, then journeyed on to her path of being a Wellness Coach.
There are so many instances that come to mind about the women who have tapped into the blueprint of their Destiny by partnering with me to go within and build their business.
This is why I teach business from a Holistic perspective. The process includes the entirety of the whole woman building the business.
Most people are simply copying what other people are doing, completely out of alignment.
Off the path of their unique blueprint to Destiny.
“Hey, it looks like it’s working for them. Let me try it.”
Many think their dreams are their Vision.
They aren’t the same. Vision is another level.

A Vision uncovers who you are.
Your unique DNA, Your 3D Essence. It shifts your posture, your positioning, your prosperity!
It gives you divine focus when you uncover it and are connected.
Oh, I have veered off before, but I quickly reconnected with my Vision.
It’s so easy to Veer off with all the information available today.
For this reason, I do specific acts a few times a year to ensure I am still on the right path.
Some people veer off and get multiple certifications they don’t use, degrees they don’t use, research for years, and start new projects every single year that bear no real abundant fruit.
Our world is innodated with ideas of things to do.
You see, when you are just dreaming, you are often blinded by forbidden fruit. (Even seeing you do not see Matthew 13:13)
Not the fruit intended for YOU.
The enemies of life use forbidden fruit to entice you to veer off the path.
It will have you wasting hours, daily, that turn into years and decades of being misaligned.
Waiting on circumstances.
Veering down the wrong path will cost you your health, relationships, finances, and well-being.
Not being connected to Vision will have you going places you should not go, taking opportunities that are not for you, and letting time slip by.
A Vision has a strategy, divine partnerships, and connections,
It always leaves clues.
It creates boldness and certainty and is the soundboard for overcoming adversity.
Your vision stamps a divine blueprint in your essence and being that allows you to move through adversity differently.
One reason is because you know where you are heading.
It accelerates time as we know it for things to transpire.
Are you clear on your Vision?
Do you have Vision Clarity?
Are you connected to your Vision?
A few times a year I do my own VISION work inside 3D Success Academy. (Destiny by Design)
It allows me to declutter, shift things around, and stand even more firmly in my Destiny Posture.
If this resonates and you know this is what you have been praying about, you can enroll here
SN: Yesterday, a client asked me if I used Chat GTP. My answer was no.
She said, “You’re writing in your emails is so good.”
I have nothing against Chat GTP, for some it will be a game changer and they should use it. I’m m not saying I will never use it.
But for those of you who have been connected to me for many years, even as far back as my brick-and-mortar, I’ve had a blog, and newsletter and done email marketing for almost two decades now. LOL, Before Chat GTP existed to the general public.
Writing is one of the things I enjoy and one of my superpowers.
When you tap into what your true gifts are you allow them to open doors for you in your business.
So many are operating outside of their gifts, doing things they are not aligned to do in their business.
I just stay in my lane and cultivate my gifts. Over that number of years, you continue to perfect a thing.
And also, what is divinely from within me attracts my Perfect People
Are you operating your gifts in your business?
Are you using your superpowers in the most productive way in your business?
Learn what is most aligned for your inside 3D Success Academy. The first module is Destiny By Design.

Uncover your unique Vision Blueprint, your Divine creativity!
When you are tapped into your unique vision you do not run out of creativity, (content and aligned solutions)
There is so much coding in your natural 3D Essence.
May the words Success on Purpose mean something different to you today as you read it.
Success On Purpose
Master Life and Business Coach
Peace and Abundance

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