Inner Work/ Healing/ Spiritual Growth

For so long our world space has heavily emphasized external success.

I think it’s important.

We should have whatever we desire as it relates to the luxuries of life.

At the same time, I am so delighted that the world’s consciousness is shifting and understanding that none of the external stuff, the luxuries of life, are sustainable unless there is wellness, a healthy mindset, right thought, and well-being internally first.

I’m here to normalize Luxury to include self-care, healing, and inner work!

Not just luxury hotels, first-class flights, and beautiful spa days?

Degrees, and large bank accounts, are great, but without inner work and healing it still lacks fulfillment and true well-being!

Healing and inner work are not just about you feeling better.

There’s a new level of clarity and focus that comes with it as well.

Decision-making is pristine.

You can’t manifest what you desire when you’re lowballing in the area of your self-value, self-worth, and self-love.

Your subconscious programming is inclined to sabotage it!

It will always be hit or miss and fickle.

I love inner-work and healing. My personal journey landed me in the lap of inner-work. It has answered so many things. It has allowed me such a great measure of freedom. It was a must as a growth strategist teaching women how to earn more money and scale their business that I included inner-work in the process.

When you heal and do inner work, everything you see will be different.

Including your idea of wealth and success.

Having emotions without becoming “emotional” is a process of inner work and healing.

This means you aren’t always responding to how you feel.

This means you aren’t impulsive.

This means you are not in reaction mode all the time.

This inward awareness and strength is a huge KEY to your life’s success.

I walk you through one of my staple concepts in the

“Heal Sis Master Class”

One of many prominent times inner work and healing is needed the most is after a divorce or failed relationship. This also occurs in other unhealthy or toxic relationships even with family and friends.

This often leaves women operating heavily on their masculine energy. Lack of support, and having to hold, chase, and secure the bag on her own leaves her feeling like she has to do it alone. Self Care is on the back burner and life is a constant chase or reaction to seemingly putting out fires.

This creates a barrier to a woman’s feminine essence.

The Heal SIs Master Class is a 3 Day Body of work that walks you through identifying 4 levels of spiritual growth with practical tools for inner work and healing! I walk you through the personal downloads I received from God that fast-forwarded my healing journey during my separation and divorce from my previous 14-year marriage.

Click Here

Queen Behavior

teach you how to establish healthy boundaries and express them to others inside the

“Queen Behavior Master Life Session” It’s all a part of your personal inner-work and healing journey.

All of the inner work you do expands your capacity to receive.


  • Clients,
  • love,
  • money,
  • opportunities,
  • what you deserve and desire.

When women haven’t cleared their headspace and their heart space there is a tendency to let themselves go, doubt, and second guess themselves.

There’s something magical about doing your inner work that changes everything from the inside out. You feel lighter, you look better, and life flows better. You tap into what it feels like to be free.

No more people pleasing, saying YES to things you want to say no to, and having no boundaries. That’s freedom.

Boundaries are not about you keeping other people out, but more about honoring yourself and living a healthy life.

Boundaries are an essential part of healthy relationships of any kind as well as an essential part of life. Boundaries aren’t always comfortable to express to others.

How you value yourself, which is denoted in your Self-esteem, will be the soundboard for recognizing the importance of boundaries. There are many reasons people fear establishing boundaries, let alone how to establish and express them healthily.


Her- Tap Into Your Femininity

There is such a buzz going on about masculine and feminine energy!

I am going to clear up some myths and give you tools to tap more into your feminine side. It’s not about wearing heels, hair done, nails done, lashes and make-up.

It’s internal.

The thing is, both males and females have both masculine and feminine energy. It is scientifically proven that women simply function better when they are more in their feminine, a place of receiving.

I want to share the secrets and benefits of tapping into your feminine energy with you. It has done wonders for my personal life and my business.

Your emotional work is work.

It is noble work.

It is legacy.

It is a gift you give to yourself and others, especially your children. Especially those who love you and those you intend to love.

It is the commitment you give yourself.

It is an expression of self-love.

It is an expression of LOVE in one of its highest, most rare forms.