We are forever growing and evolving and I don’t think we give ourselves permission. I feel we often do it with resistance.  We look at our age. We look at our responsibilities and we say, “I should be […]
A few days ago, my mom called to ask if I would like a copy of Cicely Tyson’s new memoir, “Just As I Am”, as she was purchasing several copies for friends and family.  Of course, I said, […]
Let’s be real honest, business, a successful business, requires a lot from us. Whether it’s our time, our energy, our money, or our resources, there is a huge responsibility aligned with building a great business. One of the […]
Contrary to popular belief a fresh start is not starting over. It’s like a new morning full of new potential and opportunity. A jump ahead into a new day full of possibility! One where you push off the […]
I’m not saying life is fair in the totality of it all. I’m not saying people have a right to take advantage of you. I’m not saying there aren’t situations where you are let down, neglected and even […]


“NO” more negative VIBES. I’m sure you’ve seen this on social media platforms, people proclaiming they don’t want anything negative in their life, no one coming in their space with negative vibes. I fully and completely get that. […]


The One Thing Women Don’t feel comfortable talking about… Money However, it’s the one thing we need the most. It impacts almost every area of our lives. The quality housing we have, ownership, the quality of schools our […]
Are trust issues keeping you from growing your business? I recently had a Next Level  Renew Strategy Session with my client who is a multiple six-figure earner. I mention her income because so many entrepreneurs think when they […]


You’re looking at a girl who has had many AHA moments that led her to change and get her WHOLE life. Maybe before now, Covid- 19, the stay at home order, businesses being shut down, the current outlook […]
If I had to sum up what to do in times of uncertainty in business when the economy seems to be taking a turn for the worst, it would be two things: Don’t panic…P.I.V.O.T Don’t eat your SEED. […]