We live in a world that’s always moving and shaking. The opportunity to become consumed is all too easy to do. Saying “NO” can seem like a harsh word..but can be a means of survival. If you are not careful, you’ll become […]
Stop running around, exhausted and unprepared in your business. Stop leaving room for disappointments in your business endeavors. You lose customers and opportunities from being unbalanced. There is nothing like running a business on edge. Scrambling around, trying […]
If someone offered you $10,000 dollars to tell them about the business you wanted to start and show them at least a first-year plan for it, today, could you do it? Many people do things at night like ironing […]
Most businesses that fail say things like, “ I could not find good staff, the economy was terrible, I didn’t have enough money.” All of those seem like logical reasons why a business would fail. While listening to […]
Loving is such a powerful weapon against life’s flipped situations. The act of love is freeing in itself. You can offer love to the others without losing yourself. This will help..don’t put more energy into someone’s dreams or […]
Everyone has a divine intended purpose for their life! There have been times in my past where my vision for my life was not clear and things just felt wrong. Like many others, I had moments of despair […]