Let’s be real honest, business, a successful business, requires a lot from us.

Whether it’s our time, our energy, our money, or our resources, there is a huge responsibility aligned with building a great business.

One of the simplest most fulfilling, most effective ways I’ve found to do it is centered around knowing clearly what your values are.

Time Freedom is one of my top values. My productive rest times I carve out in my business, I’m actually on a productive rest week as of tomorrow, are so important.

We get into the necessary vibe required to build the business and it’s so easy to leave important things to the side and not connect to and align with what we value and love. With all we are responsible for, it’s easy to overlook them.

There have been many times where I have had to take a pause and assess what I was really doing. Assess how I was really building my business and building my life. It is the reason why I incorporate productive rest time. It allows me to assure I remain aligned with my values.

If not, life will surely rise up! It shows in my parenting, in my self care and in the vibrations I’m giving my family and definitely in my business! Something will surely rise to the surface calling me to realign, RENEW my thinking, readjust and get re-centered.

My first leg of business building, when I owned a brick-and-mortar service-based business, I worked 10 to 12 hours a day in the business and then went home and worked on the business. Don’t mistake what I am sharing, I believe there is a season of business building where you simply have to have some grit, but it won’t be long before burnout occurs at that pace.

In-between all that working, I never missed a classroom party, a classroom trip, a PTA meeting, cooking meals, a practice, an extracurricular activity, none of those things did I miss as it related to my daughter. And still, I was often present, but not fully available.

Have you ever done the thing you need to do for your family, but

still on our phone,

still thinking about what you need to do next,

Still mapping out how many minutes it’s going to take to get from your child’s practice to your next meeting, or to the stove.

Present but not available!

I grew up in a two-parent home until the age of 12. My dad was an entrepreneur who owned a trucking company for which he also worked in the business as well. I normally saw my father on the weekends only.

For many years this was just our normal flow. My father was a great financial provider. He took us on vacation. We rode out on many weekends, sometimes 2 hours, just to go to a restaurant he saw while on the truck he wanted to take us to. But, there was still a disconnect! It was as if he was present but not necessarily available.

Guess what? I saw myself repeating the same thing in my adult life after I had my daughter. Around the time my daughter was 2 years old, (I probably told this story before so I won’t go into it today), but I had an AHA moment. I realized my actions weren’t wholly aligned with things I said I valued.

I previously worked in an industry where working to the point of burnout was normal. In conversation with my mentor she shared how she’d seen many lose their marriage, their desired dating years, quality time with their children, their children went Wayward because so much of their time was dedicated to working harder, not smarter. I learned it wasn’t isolated to one industry of course, but to a certain way of doing business. This was another moment that cause me to sit up straight determined to share what I’d learned about working smarter and not harder.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I completely understand it! We go hard to provide opportunity, necessities, and niceties for our children. But, it is my heart to show people the path, the strategy,  and the concept that will allow them to build value-based businesses that fund their lifestyle and not run their lifestyle. My clients are building time-rich businesses, many at their six-figure mark, that allow them to have a fulfilled life… and a booming business. #full circle.

It is part of your Wellness to do this thing well.

My own overwhelm caused me to intentionally create a business that would fund my lifestyle and not run my lifestyle.

~I put systems in place so I wasn’t always putting out fires.

~ I begin to create routines and downtime, like my productive rest.

~ Instead of just, “I want to be successful” I clearly Designed My Destiny and decided what that actually looked like.

(What did that entail? What did that truly mean?)

Today, I want you to take time to really, and I may have said this before but it’s so important, figure out what your top five values are at this stage and season in your life!

Then, ask yourself, “Are my actions, where I spend my money, my energy my time, and my resources, are they aligned with my top five values?

Your wellness is so important and the fullness of wellness is that there is harmony in every area of your life.

When you get centered and that becomes your purpose, the way you build your business and the strategies you take on in your business will change. Your actions will change, what you do with your time will change, your level of peace and fulfillment will change…. when you align your business building with your values!

If you did not know, you do have the power to create the business and the lifestyle you love.

You can truly Design Your and Destiny around the things you value.

Get clear on what that is in this season.

If you’d like to dive deeper and learn strategies that align with the Vision you have for your life and business, I’d love the opportunity to show you how inside 3D Success Academy. One of the first tracks you take is the Design Your Destiny course which includes Value Clarity and Creation activities.

Knowing what your highest values are is important!

Success On Purpose


Master Life And Business Coach


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