In 2003, when there were no other salons in my area with websites, I buckled down and built a website for my salon. Soon after, other salons in the area followed. I studied  search engine optimization […]
Let’s take a moment to view Facebook as if it were your own reality show. Reality shows today expose the lives of people and how they are living. Facebook pretty much does the same thing! It’s not always clear […]
A healthy life is all the rage.  People are looking for healthier ways to live in their food choices, resources they are feeding their mind and yes, products they use for their skin and hair care. Our culture […]


Periodically, on my social media sites, I give my followers an opportunity to receive personalized consulting information from me absolutely FREE. In a recent opportunity, a bakery, servicing mainly college students, asked how they could increase their customer […]
As I hung up the phone with publisher Tunisha Brown of, I realized that I had agreed to write a series of articles for the magazine. June 2012 would be the first time something I had written  would […]
As we move further along, we are now in the last quarter of 2018. Like really, 2018 has waited on no one. You may find yourself feeling like you didn’t quite accomplish the things that were on your list. You […]
Not sure if hair is what you want to do for a living anymore? Having second thoughts about the career path that you chose? Exhausted about the whole the thing? You’re probably experiencing burnout. The industry has changed so […]
We live in a world that’s always moving and shaking. The opportunity to become consumed is all too easy to do. Saying “NO” can seem like a harsh word..but can be a means of survival. If you are not careful, you’ll become […]
If someone offered you $10,000 dollars to tell them about the business you wanted to start and show them at least a first-year plan for it, today, could you do it? Many people do things at night like ironing […]
Most businesses that fail say things like, “ I could not find good staff, the economy was terrible, I didn’t have enough money.” All of those seem like logical reasons why a business would fail. While listening to […]