wpid-20140307_063931.jpgLet’s take a moment to view Facebook as if it were your own reality show. Reality shows today expose the lives of people and how they are living. Facebook pretty much does the same thing! It’s not always clear to the viewer of reality shows whether what they see about the people’s lives, is true or not. You are left to form your own opinion. At times the character’s lives seem a bit “over the top”. What you see can either make or break your opinion of the person. Your Facebook page holds the same power. Viewers,  friends, followers and people who like your page almost feel as if they know you and make decisions on whether they vibe with you. If you own a business, you have to consider who’s watching and whether they could be a potential customer.

Your Facebook page is a great opportunity  to expose your business and allow consumers an opportunity to get to know you and your business. There are millions of people on Facebook everyday. There’s nowhere else you could advertise to that number of people free or for very little money.
Here are a few ways to connect with people and make  Facebook a marketing tool for your business.
1. Start a Facebook business page
2. Post often ( you increase your chances of being seen in individual’s news feed) During my 10 years as a salon owner, I studied marketing techniques and learned that people  who have never heard of you normally need to see you at least 3 times before they actually “consider” being serviced by you. Consistency is key. *No one likes a pushy sales person. Don’t make every post about your sales offers.
3. Learn your target market. Who needs, uses, or would be interested in your service or product?

4. Take the time to learn your followers. Share things they would be interested in. Allow them to get to know you and your business.  *It’s okay to post personal pictures periodically. If they have liked or followed you, there was something they found interesting about you, so make it easy on yourself , be your genuine self when posting. Build relationships with your followers.
4. Post information and tips people can use that  connect to your industry. People like to be informed. When you solve problems for people you increase your value.
Facebook is the new reality TV.  You are the producer. Your show can be a success! You have something valuable that others need. Go Social, Go Global, Go Mobile and prosper!

From my experience to yours

Tanya Wilson -Cherry,

Consultant to stars like you and everyday people walking out this thing called LIFE.

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