The Blue Print. We all have one. It is unequally wrapped up in our DNA. There is simply a path that works better for how we are made, wired, and designed Many people never walk their intended path, […]


Each and every time I am able to make a transition to a new level it is always, always, always because I have gone within and tapped into my own personal power. It is never, ever, ever because […]
You don’t always know you’ve lost your power when it’s time to take it back.! You create a routine that you live in and where your current truth has become your reality, But if you are feeling off-centered, […]
Contrary to popular belief a fresh start is not starting over. It’s like a new morning full of new potential and opportunity. A jump ahead into a new day full of possibility! One where you push off the […]


“NO” more negative VIBES. I’m sure you’ve seen this on social media platforms, people proclaiming they don’t want anything negative in their life, no one coming in their space with negative vibes. I fully and completely get that. […]
I didn’t go to my favorite stores this morning in order to save time. I stopped to two other stores to grab some small items I needed and was quickly reminded why I’ll pay a little more just […]
Has your marketing on social media been HIT or MISS? So many business owners post a few times on Social Media and fall off. They don’t get a lot of interaction and stop mainly because they feel they need to […]
Have you heard the term TRAILBLAZER? Webster’s terms it as Pioneer One that blazes a trail to guide others. There were several things I jumped out and did in my career, I now teach others to do the […]
  Three positions that you need for Destiny. The amazing thing is that many of you are already in the three positions whether you know it or not. The first position you need as you are headed to […]