Has your marketing on social media been


So many business owners post a few times on Social Media and fall off. They don’t get a lot of interaction and stop mainly because they feel they need to have hundreds of thousands of followers or likes in order to be relevant.
That is so far from the truth!
 I want to share a few things with you in hopes that it will help in your thinking (and implementing) about marketing your business on social media.
Firstly, let’s do a little thinking!
How many people can you actually service at one time?
(meaning in a day, week, month, or 90-day time frame)
Because social media is so busy and buzzing we often forget on any given day we can only service a certain amount of people at different levels in our business.
At this stage are you really looking for multiple thousands of people to do business with you?

Shift and say, “I want to first attract 100 consistent, engaged people who are actually getting value from what I share, asking questions, commenting or connecting for an appointment or to have services done with me.”

If you are clear on who you are as a Brand (Brand Clarity),
who your product or service helps,
and what you do for them,
you will realize that your business isn’t for everyone anyway.
You don’t need  100,000 followers to find a consistent flow of customers in your business to meet your current income goals.
Even if you are at the space where your business can handle more customers, you still won’t be for everyone.
 It’s important that you are attracting more of the RIGHT people. Not just a bunch of followers.
Now I know, posting, sharing, marketing, live streaming when there aren’t a lot of followers or likes takes courage.

Courage comes because you believe in yourself, your product or service, your vision and if you are like me, your faith in God.✅

 Your confidence comes from doing the work( posting sharing, going live) and getting results even if few applaud you publicly in the beginning.✅
 How do I know? Because I have Business Coaching Clients who have 1,000 followers, some less, who consistently service clients,
( booked baby and not overwhelmed) selling their products, and Coaching and teaching others in their area of gifting.
Clearly, it’s not because of the number of followers on social media, but because of strategy!
If your goal for Social Media is to give value, help people, and grow your business, this is a place you must shift from,
Feeling you need 1,000’s of interactions, followers, and likes on social media to profit more in your business will stop you in your tracks every time.
 You gotta shift your thinking in order to keep going, in order to get to your tipping point, in order to truly prosper.
You have to post with a purpose and a strategy bigger than just getting the most likes.
Simply because likes don’t always equal checks, cash, coin, securing the bag. #facts
⭐I’ve gladly helped people who maxed out on their followers on social media  FaceBook but weren’t earning money in their business.
⭐Recently, I ran across a Facebook Business Page of a guy who only had 5,000 people on his Like Page… but earned multiple millions a year in his business…
On a podcast, he shared that one of his clients( he named names to be able to fact check) Pay Pal(ed) him an additional $10,000 after their Coaching Session because of the value he gave.
Off the cuff👀.
If you follow me you know how much I talk about value.
 He Doesn’t have 10’s of thousands of followers.
⭐I also saw the story running through social media of a  young lady who had millions of followers on  Instagram but couldn’t sell 36 t-shirts to her audience.
I have clients who have worked with me and invested money who never clicked like on anything I’ve ever shared or taught on social media “before” working me.
⭐And most recently, my Mastermind Member shared she just  3x her weekly income from a call we did about 3 weeks prior. She’s been hitting consecutive weeks totaling $4500 with less than 2,000 followers on Instagram and even less on Facebook.
I am sharing all of this to offer you a new perspective in your goal setting for your Social Media Marketing.
Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t push for more connection, likes, and shares…because it definitely has its place,
I’m just offering a space of awareness and hopefully relief in extending you the courage to keep going.
 If you post because you need affirmation from other people you are likely to stop walking in your greatness.
 Deep down, if you’re only waiting for that, you’re likely to change what you’re doing to bring in profits.
You may post for the most reaction on social media or stop altogether.
You want to be sure to post what will convert customers, and mainly, attract the right people.
 Reaction and conversion on Social Media are two different things.
Both are ideal, but if your marketing is converting it means:
  • clients are opting-in on your website
  • signing up for your newsletter
  • reaching out to you in the DM
  • having services with you
  • and becoming a client!
Remember, the best thing you can do is get clear on who you are as a Brand (Brand Clarity), who your product or service helps, clearly explain what you do for them, and be consistent.
Your Growth Strategist, Business Mentor/Life Coach
P.S. Maybe you have been consistent with little conversion or simply know you aren’t clear on who your ideal customer is, how you help them and how to clearly share how you can help them.
I can help you with that!
Click here for complimentary time to gain clarity.
The  Complimentary
 Brand Clarity Call For Service Business Owners and Aspiring Coaches
The S.O.A.R. Call  For Salon Professionals
will get you and I connected for Clarity!

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