How often do you shut it all down, turn off the TV, turn off the routine, put the phones down, turn off all of the external things that stimulate you and dictate your drive… your thinking?

I took this picture a few weeks ago when I was out to eat with a friend of mine and our daughters!



You have to know my back story about phones and children.

It’s been the hardest thing for me to align and agree with in this technology-based world.

However, I  gave into the convincing my daughter did with her father and grandmother.( who in turned double-teamed me 🙂

So still to my uncomfortableness, she has phone under very limited terms and I am still not a stickler for children with phones at certain ages.

 Anyway, I digress from that because I can make the entire blog post support my thoughts on children and phones! LOL!

So, as we sat down to eat, I noticed everyone had their phone. My first thoughts were, “If everyone is on the phone, how do we connect?”

So I made a suggestion and this is where the phones ended up! On the table!

We went to eat to enjoy each other, to catch up, to converse, to really see about the individuals we were spending time with.

I ran across the picture today and thought that’d be a great blog post to share with you.

How often do we turn it all off and just sit and become aware?

So often we’re in our routine of life and no matter what it is that we desire, even if it’s right in front of us, because of our busyness, it sometimes passes us by.

Regardless of what your desires are for your salon career and life, sometimes the constant thoughts that you have, that can be fear based or small thinking,  override everything our heart’s desire… Without even noticing!

It’s not until we get to the place where we find time consistently to shut everything off and ask ourselves,

“Is this what I desire the rest of my salon career, my business, my relationships, and life to look like? Am I doing things that collectively bring me fulfillment and meet my true heartfelt goals!”

It is only then, when we take time to reflect and ask the RIGHT questions, in our quiet space, that we can think with full clarity!

Is what I’m doing working, am I happy, fulfilled, is my business growing, are my relationships healthy, am I  heading towards creating a lifestyle I truly love,etc.?

The time you take to disconnect from everyone else’s story on social media. the way everyone else is running their business, everyone else’s opinions, and truths, is when you can align fully with your own.

In that space, you can actually decide to connect with what matters the most, TO YOU!

It’s a place of fresh perspective!

Decide clearly how you want it to be! (Your life and business)

This is the place where you begin taking full responsibility for your thoughts.

 After all, thoughts become things!

They dictate much of what happens and transpires in our biz and life!

It’s so easy to be in a routine, where your true goals and desires are mere words you don’t align with, simply because you don’t break the routine, because you don’t take time to disconnect to reconnect.

It’s always during my disconnect times that I get my AHA to re-shift in my business, that I get my aha’s about parenting differently or loving differently or even warnings about the need for new information or a shift in order to continue on with my desired goals!

During my disconnect times, I am able to be present, with my own thoughts, what’s REALLY transpiring in my life and biz, what I want to do, be and have, and what I desire the rest of my salon career and my business to look like.

I shut everything down! 

I shut down all of my responsibilities to answer the questions about what I truly, truly desire… and then I make a commitment ( to myself) to aligning with the directions or actions that will take me there!

 Set out an amount of time daily to this.

Be consistent with it.

You’ll find that the bigger your goals and dreams are the more time you’ll need to spend thinking” and being!

This will allow you to create an even more EXCEPTIONAL life an business without allowing distractions to take you too far off course of your hearts desires!

 Do you take time to disconnect so you can reconnect with what you truly desire?

Action Step/ Challenge:

  •  I challenge you to set a time daily to disconnect.
  •  Over the next 30 days, practice this.
  • Be aware of where you are on a journey, what’s important to you and how you need to continue aligning or possibly re-shift!
  • Take time to be in the moment with everything and everyone you embrace and see how it matches where you truly desire to head!

 Success on Purpose


Ironically, as I was writing this blog post, I heard a presenter mention the word SHAQAT. 

  • It is a Hebrew word meaning to be quiet, be tranquil, be at peace, be quiet, rest, lie still, be undisturbed! ~Selah

* You can catch me live weekly on my Facebook biz Page for Mindset, Business Building and personal development training to help you continue creating your EXCEPTIONAL. 

Be sure to say hello when you pop on.

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