I’ve had some truly defining moments in my life.
One, in particular, I remember crying profusely, like a baby when I got the revelation of all the money that had passed through my hands as a hairstylist, and I only had about 1 thousand dollars to my name and that was literally from the money I had made the week prior. I paid my bills on time, but the rest of my money was spent shopping, traveling, etc.
I got the revelation through a series of conversations. They were coming back to back.
The first conversation:
How much are you worth?( I was confused because I thought they were speaking of self-worth)- well actually at the root they were.
But, they challenged me to look at the debt I had and subtract it from the money I had saved.
I was in the red.
About 1 month later, what I’d like to call an angel, challenged me with similar questions.. but more detailed.
  • How much money do you have saved
  • How much money do you budget to just blow
  • How much money do you spend shopping
  • How much money do you spend eating out… the list goes on.
When that conversation was done, I was crying like a baby. I really thought the way I was building my life was fine. But you don’t know what you don’t know.
The third conversation was a client, about 2 weeks later.
My client encouraged me to open a CD and put money into it monthly. It was a $50 dollar minimum.
At first, I hesitated because my mind said, “I can make fifty dollars in 30 minutes behind the chair,”
But the reality was $50 monthly would be $50 more than what I had saved at the time.
So I said. “Why not?”
I had already started a strict budget for my second conversation and this just fell in line.
Over time I increased my savings to $100 monthly, $200 monthly, $300, $400.. until I was able to pay off debt, open my salon debt free and find a measure of freedom! It’s one of the reason’s I share my budgeting strategies with stylists that I work with now. I know oh too well what making the money, but not doing the right thing with it feels like!
It was a pivotal point in my life.
And it changed the way I looked at everything.
But even with that, there was another shift that needed to occur.
I will share that on next weeks blog post!
These transitional points in my life caused me to study and invest in things that would surely make what was not working… a new found truth.
 How many times have you done something that felt right at the time, only to gain some new information and realize you were not living to your highest good!
I call these transitional moments. In those times, we have 2 choices, we can take a chance to reach higher or stay where we are and settle.
 My transitional moments have not been comfortable for the most part, but they have been so rewarding when I embraced them.
 What are some transitional moments that happened to you in your life and business?
 How did you walk through those times?
For me, I know when I am facing a transitional time. I’ll start hearing the same thing over and over, I’ll hit a wall and can’t go forward, or things simply no longer work the way they use to! And sometimes I simply feel a burning desire to do things differently!
 I usually take time to truly process where I am and what my desires are for my future!  Afterthought and prayer, I usually know that transition is what I need for next! I’ve learned not to be so afraid during transition, but to embrace it. What often looks like the opposition is often opportunity!
I’d love to hear some transitional times in your life or business that turned out amazing for you and how you handle transition.
 Success On Purpose
 I’ll be sharing another transitional time I’ve experienced in next week’s blog. Be sure to check back! 

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