Holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Mother’s Day when it’s like super busy and you’re leaving the salon like 11:30 pm at night,

are the times where “it’s so easy to be fooled by those “brief moments of success.”

and then

there are many salons who experience the total opposite, tons of cancellations or clients not scheduling altogether during Holiday Seasons.


there are those salons who are simply consistently busy!

What’s the difference?

I see many stylists in the salon industry professionals get really fooled by all the busyness and buzz during Holiday times!

Those seasons are a great time in the industry!

Families are blessed, people are making money, chairs are turning, money is being passed hand-over-fist… and then we forget that January and February are two of the slowest times of the year, as well as July. Or, even that next week after the holiday rush just may be looking a little slow on the book.

What’s the difference in how salon professionals experience holiday times and slow times?

Systems. Systems allow continued increase and flow in your business.

Here a few tips be mindful of during the busy holiday season, that are repeatable and can be considered as part of systems.

1- Do amazing profitable consultations with all your guest.

Maybe you will need to tell 2 people no, so you can spend an extra 15 minutes on building strong relationships with your new customers or those you have not seen in a while.

You really want to have the choice of being consistent like that all the time.

2- Create marketing plans and promotions that you rev up before and after the holidays

3-Be sure to get all your clients email address. Your email interaction is a way to connect with clients consistently and with the tap of a few buttons.

4- don’t overspend during great  Have a cushion for just in case financial times.

5 Know your business and the seasons

During this holiday time, you want to be ever so grateful for how the income has come in and how  you’ve been blessed in your salons, and in your Salon Suites, or hair stylist career…but never forget to prepare for the future

Traditionally, busy for a few months and then slow again has become what most salon professionals accept. It’s not a sustainable business. You have to prepare combat the normal slow times with consistent client attraction systems and strategies!

Great systems help you build so there is consistency.

Not so many highs and lows.

It’s easy to be fooled by the income and the increase that comes in sporadically dring holiday times. Holidays are an amazing time to bring new people into your salon… but retaining them, again, is the key!

You don’t want hit-or-miss businesses where you’re feeling like you’re on top of the world one week and wondering if yo should change career the next. Because it’s a holiday and a lot of people are in from out of town and other areas, and people are excited about getting their hair done it really can bring increased finances.

However, you want to see that income all the time!

I did a Free Master Class on Facebook called Wisdom to earn more in the Salon Industry.

You can check it out here FREE Master Class!

I had a special guest on the broadcast, Myeisha Edmonds, Certified Trichologist and licensed cosmetologist from New York, who shared how putting systems in place changed her business in less than 90 days! From Broken to Booked!

I teach many of those systems in the Mind Your Business Beauty Camp Membership Program. I created the Membership site to offer hairstylist and salon owners an opportunity to invest and learn to market and grow their business at amazing investment cost. 

I’m sure you understand that hit or miss does not grow a sustainable business. What systems could you perfect so that you attract more clients instead of chasing them?

Not sure, head over right here to check out the opportunities to create the salon business and lifestyle you love! You can begin immediately!

Every day should feel like a Holiday in your Salon Business!

Success on Purpose,

Beauty Business Consultant


Be sure to like my Face Book Biz page.

You can join me weekly Mon./Wed./ 11:30 am(EST) for FREE live Salon Biz Trainings!

 See ya next week #letsgrow

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