Is your Salon Brand relevant?
This was one of those mornings where I just didn’t have it all together. This resulted in me having to stop to pick up a sandwich to put in my daughter’s lunch box for today.
That roasted chicken that I prepared yesterday( that was supposed to magically turn into the famous chicken salad that my daughter loves ) never quite made it to being transformed into the next gourmet dish 🙂 I was overly busy yesterday. …
So, anyway, we stopped at a drive through to get a sandwich. The place is normally so busy we sometimes opt for another spot when beating the clock for school drop off! However this morning the line was super clear. There were maybe two cars in the drive thru and my daughter says, “Wow, we must be super early this morning !” I looked at the clock, the time was pretty much the same as usual.( Don’t worry guys, I’m getting to the salon part, stick with me! 🙂 )
When I get to the order counter the lady on the microphone quickly says, “We are only accepting cash this morning!” Luckily I had some on me! As we drove around to the window I begin to wonder if that was why going through the line was such a breeze with easy access to move forward. Where was everyone?
I couldn’t help but ask if they had a lot of people to leave the line when they found out they weren’t accepting cards this morning. And wouldn’t you know she said, “Yes, we have but it’s something with our system and we just couldn’t help it!” I assured heard that I understood.
Sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances that happen in a business where you just can’t put the fire out instantly, but you have to keep going anyway.
I instantly begin to think of how important it is for Salon Brands and Hairstylist to remain relevant. One of the conveniences that are available for consumers now is the ability to pay with their card, many people rarely carry cash! With services like PayPal and Stripe and several others, there are other alternatives for Salons and Hair stylist to offer Electronic Payment Services as an added convenience for their clients.
When I owned my salon we had our credit card processing done through our bank which is also another option in today’s times.
Not having the option of taking a card for your services may be one reason why some Salon Businesses and Hairstylist are slower than usual.
How much money do you think you may be missing if your Salon Brand is not relevant?
Often times there are things even simpler going down in a Salon’s Brand that causes them to lose money… they never knew they were missing.
I am offering a Free “Prep My Brand” Salon Challenge on Monday, Sept 4. -10th!
If you would like to join us here I’ll be sharing action steps you can take to uplevel your Salon Brand.
Join me daily for the 7- day Prep My Brand Challenge to prep your Salon Brand and connect some of the dots that lead to more profit.
Be sure to sign up here for all the details and notifications. I will be giving away a few prizes to some who are taking action on their Salon Brand.
Click Here to sign up!
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Success On Purpose,’Tanya
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