wpid-IMG_20120910_174901.jpg Or has believing become something that is popular to say. Think about it, if you REALLY believed, your main focus would not be on your lack in any area. If you really believed, your heart and mind would be on solutions, possibilities, and trusting in the process. No matter what your current bank statement says, your current doctor’s report, or your current home life situation, you would walk in a calm sense of assurance and expectation. You would not  grab hold of counterfeit things that looked opposite of what you believe. That’s settling. Giving up and throwing in the towel would not even be an option.
If your dreams were something you really believed in, you wouldn’t sit down casually waiting for it to drop out of the sky, you would do what you can, NOW. You’d evaluate your current situation and figure out what you can do with the resources you do have. Believing is action based, setting out to meet a goal by which you are not capable of completing with the resources you have now, and pressing forward anyway. There is always some action step you can take now, no matter what your situation looks like, seek it….IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE!

The possibilities are unlimited for our lives. We have to truly believe and show it through pressing forward, in spite of.

You were created to create, do GREAT things and prosper so that you can be a blessing to others, as well as yourself! You are an over-comer and believing FULLY is what it will take to get you there.

As often as we hear people say they BELIEVE, there should be more manifestations occurring, especially in the lives of believers! Do you Really Believe? Sure you do!  Have faith and GO!

From My Experience to Yours,

Tanya Wilson-Cherry ,

Consultant to stars like you and everyday people walking out this jewel called LIFE!

2 Responses

  1. I just enjoyed your post. So refreshing. There is a saying that says “seeing is believing”, we beg to differ. Jesus says that we first must believe that he is, a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. We always try to reach out to people with like professions. Someone that will help give insight on how to get to the next level of business. I receive every word that you have said. Believing is believing, point blank. It takes faith to step out into the unknown , and walk out what the creator has put on the inside of us.

    • Yes, if we trust him the way we sometimes say…surely we would prosper. It is a dieing of self ( emotions, flesh) that has to occur for true manifestation of most of the promises. Which is why I feel we aren’t able to give testimony for those we wish to draw near. I am going to take time to check out your blog over the next few days. Thank you for connecting.

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