There is no doubt about it that the turn of a new calendar year brings about a desire for change for many people!

 I personally plan my entire new calendar year(2018) during the months of August-Oct of the previous year. (2017)

This helps me stay ahead of marketing, course creation and how to serve my salon industry clients and entrepreneurs.

 Of course, some things are tweaked, taken out or added along the way, but it helps me have a strong foundation in order to stay focused and purpose-driven throughout each new year.

 I recently asked those connected to me on social media and my private clients what were three things they would be focusing on for the New Year!

#1 Not Procrastinating was one high on their list! 

Which is a great habit to overcome. It is usually defeated by getting really clear on the benefits that finishing a task will cause in your life. It is also defeated by creating small daily projects to commit to and finish. After all, procrastination is simply a habit of not starting or not finishing. Practicing the habit of finishing on small things will create the habit of completing major goals!

#2 on their list Finding new circles of influence or a great concentric circle, let’s just say TRIBE was high on the list as well.

 Now, this I feel is extremely important.

 They say you are an average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. I share a little about that in this video clip. As unimportant as it may seem, having people who understand where you are heading is important. The energy for entrepreneurialship is a major key to accomplishing goals, mindset, and taking action!

 The third thing high on the list of goals for many entrepreneurials was not surprising… their money!

Seeing as though we just experienced the Christmas holiday season, I wanted to offer a tip that might help you during Holiday times for the upcoming year. You can also use it as a general way to save money that doesn’t have to be allocated to holiday spending.


Great tip as you move into the New Year.

Do you do a Christmas Club Savings?

  • You can have money automatically drafted from your checking account each week, bi-weekly or monthly starting in Jan… Or if you are disciplined you can deposit a specific amount on the schedule you set.
  • In November they give you check for the amount you deposited into the Christmas club savings throughout the year or re-deposit it into a specific account.
  • I.E.

$20 per week will yield you about $1,000 for your Christmas spending(Holiday food, gifts, travel tickets if needed) at the end of the year

  • The main thing is you don’t have to spend large lump sums at one time for your holiday expenses out of current and normally allocated funds.
  • You could, of course, use this for a general savings plan as well.

I KNOW MOST CREDIT UNIONS OFFER CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUBS… but you could ask your bank to set this up with a regular savings account as well.

As we progress into 2018, I’d love to hear what your major goals are for your life and business! 

Comment below!


Success On Purpose
If you’d like to discuss strategies for  your goals for 2018, jump on my calendar for a complimentary S.O.A.R. Call
Let’s make 2018 your best year yet!

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