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For every 100 licensed stylists in the beauty industry, only about 5 will continue in a career as a licensed cosmetologist pass the five-year mark, and then only 1/5 of those stylists will continue to have a successful career  they are actually able to retire in. Hearing those statistics prompts my heart to help bring about awareness in our industry. What does it take to change the dynamics of such a powerful industry that may be unaware of their power and freedom? Information and applied knowledge.
~Clearly, a stylist can make a great living in this industry. Many things are changing in the industry. Remaining relevant and up to date can bring tremendous change to your career. But one thing that remains the same is how you understand, make, and use your money.
So, what is missing or occurring in the salon industry that is a huge part of a $55 billion per year industry? This weighs on me heavy as I have been in the industry over 20 years. It wasn’t until maybe my 10th year in, when what I like to call my angels began sending me small but major messages about my career and finances, and later about the time I was dedicating to the industry without solid results. Where was the extra money going? Sometimes the questions were, “Where is the extra money?
What are you worth?( subtract your debt from how much you have saved) That question was proposed to me early on and really prompted me to look for change.  So what is it about the industry that causes stylist to have to get the second job in another industry to maintain or to get an all new career within only the first five years of their career. I made it a life goal to find the answers.
Are you working 12 hour days,  sometimes 7 days a week, little to no vacations, exhaust from slow times and lack of time spent consistently with family and loved ones?  Are you only working a few days a week, servicing only a few clients and wondering how to make it happen. This often leads to burn out. Stylist experience burnout because of the never-ending cycle that leads to no real profit. That same exhaustion rarely leaves the energy or time to organize or keep up with the income that is actually coming in. Most stylists are excellent at their craft, but what about how they do business?
I know this first hand from previous experience before forming systems to change. It is my heart to bring awareness to the things I’ve learned and implemented that can change those dynamics for licensed stylists.
*You deserve to take a vacation,
*Or be off to attend your family functions, or nurse a sick child without fear of the lights being turned off.
*nurse a sick child without fear of the lights being turned off.
I am determined, as I grow and continue to work differently in my career, to help you and other stylists #mindyourbusiness and allow this great industry to be a soundboard to create the lifestyle you and other stylists love. One of the significant things I learned is that most stylists need either multiple streams of income, a real budget, and basic marketing systems to maintain and grow their clientele in order to make it happen. I specialize in recognizing gifts, strengths, and opportunities for beauty industry professionals and entrepreneurs to actually profit in their career.  Be sure and stay connected to my blog, or website for more tips. You can also connect with me

LIVE on Pericope and Facebook on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30 am and 2:00 pm for tips and strategies to profit in your career and salon!join-me-live-myb-24

Maybe you know you need something more defined and unique to your specific career or salon business by way of help. If you’d like a personal one-on-one consultation you can schedule a  Renew Strategy Session, to get organized and change your career outcomes sooner, so that you can actually profit and have a plan for your future in the industry you love.  You will not be disappointed!
 Can you maintain and profit from your current position in the beauty industry? I’d love to help!
 From My Experience to Yours,
Tanya Wilson-Cherry
Business Consultant
Founder of The T.E.A.M
Tanya cropped in chair

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