I remember the first time I began to have a true appreciation for video in my business. It was a class that I gave to stylist and salon owners in the beauty industry.

 I asked someone to record me at that time so that I could reflect on what I could do to improve my classes.

I did not have a YouTube channel but the person posted it on YouTube and in about 30 minutes about 300 people had already viewed the video. That video was made about six years ago and now has over 35,000 views.  I still, to this day, get clients that work with and pay me to consult with them about their business from seeing that very video.

It was actually a few years after the video was created that I really understood how powerful video was for my career and my business.

I have not stopped producing video content for my business since.

Studies show that 90% of consumers will watch content from business owners through video by 2019.

It will be one of the most effective forms of marketing, topping Face Book post, Blog post, etc.

There are several advantages on how video can do help your salon/stylist business.  I’d like to share with you!

1 Video creates a unique emotional connection with those who are watching.

People need to know, like, and trust you!

So, seeing you on video gives them an opportunity to create that connection so much faster than any other type of content your Salon or stylist career can produce.

2-Video allows you to repurpose your one-time effort.

I have several videos that were taken from events where I spoke to the Beauty Industry, the Chamber of Commerce, A graduating classes, etc. and all of that video footage has been repurposed for other things. I’ve used them on my website, in blog post, etc.

If you have informational videos, they can be repurposed, edited, used on your website to create “new Revenue”- yep you can sell it – It now becomes another stream of income.

~3 Out of sight out of mind!- Video allows you to spread your message to several different platforms.

It’s so easy to get smothered in the middle of so many post  on social media! VIDEO MAKES YOU VISIBLE!

 I begin using Periscope live stream, I hit the start broadcast, over a year ago now. But, after about one or two videos, I stopped for almost half of the year. I stopped because I wasn’t sure about what I needed to talk about, I wasn’t sure who my message was directed to and I needed a form of accountability. So, I hired a coach. I actually now broadcast on three platforms live ( Facebook, Periscope, and Instagram) with ease. I always have something valuable to share and I’m connecting with people who  do business with me, simply because I had accountability, got the right information, and begin to experience the benefits for my business. 

 If you are stuck, you know that going LIVE  will offer amazing opportunity but need accountability, I have an amazing resource that offers training on video marketing and coaching. Click here

You probably know the same thing I did before I fully committed to a plan for video marketing…. It works if done properly!

If you know that your business needs the exposure videos and Live Streaming can do for your business, Hit the GO LIVE button!

Let’s face it, we don’t want to get any further behind in the way we do business. (Doing Business as changed for stylist)

Remember the statistic, by the year 2019, 90 percent of marketing will be done by video.This is the way consumers are consuming content form businesses NOW.

More people watch video more than any other form of content, more than blog post, more than post on social media, more than post on Instagram… they are watching video! All of the other platforms are still working, but video creates the client connection faster!  IF you’ve been afraid to hit the START BROADCAST button or the GO LIVE, or even TO make a prerecorded video to market your products and services, you should really reconsider your efforts.

I did a broadcast , LIVE ;), 

talking about more benefits of Video marketing. Click here to watch it!

We are in a recession proof industry, but we have to know how to remain relevant. I know how it feels not to have the answers to next in an industry you love so much.


I’d Love to help you! Click Here

People have to know, like, and trust you to do business with you.

As an entrepreneur, hairstylist, or salon owner, you want to work smarter and not harder.

  • You want to create a way that you can connect with the customer, even long after you have made the marketing opportunity.
  • You can re-purpose your videos on several different platforms so that you’re not working so hard on your marketing efforts!


From my experience to yours,

Success on Purpose.

Tanya Wilson Cherry


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