What a blessing!
I remember this day!
I was blessed to be in the presence of some really great and powerful future salon industry professionals a few years back at Miller-Motte College.
I taught a group of cosmetology students who had not yet entered the world, as they would know it, of the salon industry.
Studies show that only 1 in 4 students who attend cosmetology school actually go on to make it a career and retire from it!
I wanted to impart something that would possibly cause that number to rise!
I wanted to leave them with something that would help them stay focused and effective while on their career path.
I saw so much greatness. These fresh starters had the whole world in front of them and the possibilities were unlimited.
Here, Check Out The Selfies We took!
I wore one of my favorite shirts on purpose. Simply to remind them, “You don’t have to be perfect, as long as you are progressing and giving it your best!
Are you waiting to market your services, waiting to start your career, waiting to tell people about what you do when you feel it’s perfect?
We really have to check that internal voice of ours to make sure we aren’t listening to the wrong expectations from our self. This is why it’s so important to celebrate small wins.
What are 3 things you can think of off the top of your head that you have done, completed or succeeded in lately?
Not that it was perfect, or huge, but simply because you did it! Perfecting is a process that happens while you are in action.
I wanted to remind the students of this on that day. I felt it would help them as they move forward in their career.
So many special moments occur for me internally when I teach.
One future professional approached me after class and said, “You changed my self-esteem and how I see myself.”
That’s huge.
Mainly because how we see our self-determines what we feel we deserve and ultimately what we will be willing to try or do differently.
I gave them strategies to start immediately that will help them in their career path. Like, finding a mentor, coach, consultant, or friend who has been where they are headed. Someone who could help guide them through steps that would help to assure they don’t make as many mistakes or direct them on a path that would save time in achieving their goals and a few headaches in hopes they would not give up!
It’s so important that we have positive people we are connected to, who are goal-oriented and focused, to help us maintain our momentum as well. For me, if I have changed at least one life in each event I host, I have fulfilled my assignment for the day. Helping someone avoid distractions and some of the things that slow up progress is important to me because I know how easy it is to get bombarded with information, wrong opportunities and doubt.
I share this with you because doing what you love and getting paid is possible. I absolutely love what I do!
Do you enjoy what you do?
Are you walking out your dream career or business?
Successful people do it every day. One step at a time, making mistakes and perfecting them as they go!
Successful people have figured out the systems and strategies that simplify life so that what matters most is what they focus their time and energy on. This is truly how people become successful and prosper.
If you know you deserve greater than where you are right now, it may not be that you are doing anything wrong, just not enough of doing what is right and most of that is found while MOVING!
Starting with your thinking.
It really doesn’t have to be perfect in order to see progress.
I understand wanting to do your “it” different. Setting goals to improve and grow are important. But it doesn’t have to be perfect to start!
Maybe you want to open a new salon business, and make more money in your hairstylist career, or learn new strategies to begin creating a business and life you love!
Just remember:
You don’t have to be perfect or have everything right, but you do have to start!
Often, we wait for things to be absolutely perfect and that time never comes!
Perfecting is a process!
You have to just set yourself on the path to achieving the business and life you desire!
Success On Purpose,
P.S. Join Me week on my FaceBook Business Page for Live #salonbiztraining every Monday and Wednesday 11:30 am (EST)
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