2015-03-2--09-23-06    So many thoughts and so much heartfelt concern as I continue to watch Bobbi Kristina, the daughter of the late Whitney Houston’s recent battles flood my news feed on Face Book. My first thought is prayer for her health, and prayer that a great support system is established and recognized in her life.


I did not see the recent movie that depicted,  I believe on Lifetime, the life of Bobbi Kristina’s mom, but I instantly connected her almost mirrored recent tragedy, being found in a tub of water face down and non-responsive, to the possibility that the exposure and news media about the recent movie may have brought about life-like memories for her. There is definitely a likelihood that the movie evoked questions, feelings, and emotions to Bobbi Kristina about her mother’s life, legacy, and death. What a difficult place to be in.


I also began thinking about fame and fortune. It is difficult to face some of the things that life throws your way even for those the world considers “an average person”. The emotional drain has to be magnified on another level for those perceived as famous by the world. Fame requires your whole life to be exposed, good and bad, exploited throughout world news,  media, everywhere you go, magazines stands, TV stations and social media. Then repeated over and over. That’s a lot to bare! I believe God uses many of those times to send help to those who were unaware they need help or not strong enough to get it!


Life is not always fair.


This tragedy connected all to well with the urgency in my heart to share what I’ve learned about relationships. As a business consultant and entrepreneur, I’m never able to teach a class without mentioning the root to success and failures being the understanding of relationship. Relationships are important in life…of that I am sure. Not everyone has the same start in life. Not everyone’s environment is the same. Not everyone’s environment is healthy, but awareness is always a seed for true fulfilment.  If I had to pour my whole heart into anything or any wish, it would be that we all embrace a moment of awareness, a moment of awareness on our journey to wholeness. A moment where you recognize that everything you say affects someone else, where you recognize that the environment where you start in life affects your entire life. This highlights the role of parenting making it a profound and significant gift. Parents expose, train, teach, and show children how to live life in their everyday routine, whether they are aware or not.

This isn’t to suggest that a parent in an unhealthy environment  loves their children any less than other parents.  An unhealthy environment for children could be circumstantial or simply a guardian who has not fully recognized how to properly love themselves.

I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of getting comfortable in what’s not comfortable at some point in life. Can I ask you to do me a favor today? Love yourself! No matter how you started or where you are now you are valuable and you deserve a blessed life.

In my journey, I’ve had to step back, often, intentionally reflecting, and ask myself, “Are you loving your self properly in this season?” “Are you allowing things that do not serve you and those you love as a part of your life?”

 It’s easy to get caught in the routine of things and suppress the depression and chaos and settle into what’s not healthy.

Our society has to come to a place of loving themselves on a greater level. Not from arrogance, selfishness, or pride, but from a place of wholeness. Children and others will see the wholeness and embrace it for themselves. Our love has to go beyond finances and material things

 and transcend to love that feeds the soul and the spirit.  That is called  healthy #relationship.

  Your creator’s wish is that you be at peace and prosper. That is what he had in mind for your creation and those you love.

I challenge the world to love on a greater level where we take full responsibility for our actions and words and recognize that they do have an effect on those who are around us,  the ones we love, the ones we teach without knowing, and definitely our self…. everyday.

    My prayers at this time are inclusive of Bobbi Kristina, that God perform a resurrection miracle in her life and use this season as a point of break through to wholeness for her. Continued prayers for her dad, her family and her support system, but even more for everybody in the world to embrace a moment of awareness on their journey to wholeness and recognize just how much we are fitly joined together. May we recognize  just how much one person has a huge personal impact on the world. I pray we realize that everything we do is the sum total of our understanding and being in relationships. #Relationshipsmatter  They are the building blocks for society and must be built on healthy LOVE!

God Bless Bobbi Kristina!

From my experience to yours.

Tanya Wilson-Cherry

Consultant to stars like you and everyday people walking out this jewel called Life!.

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