I’ve driven down the same highway for well over 10 years on the way home. Yet the other day I saw a house that I had never seen on that very route, that was so beautiful. How on earth had I missed it?

A friend of mine had an entire life change. We’d lost touch..which really means we lost the opportunity to create memories. Although she is much wiser at the present… there are some fabulous  things about her that were there before. How on earth had I missed it?

His legs are a little bow. So much more distinct now than ever before. Did it occur over time… How on earth had I missed it?

This woman is so powerful, influential, focused and strategic. And she had been in my life for so long. How on earth had I missed it?

She has worked tirelessly, and intentionally,  lovingly and sacrificial for the family for so many years. How on earth had I miss it?

I really had a great opportunity right before my eyes. How on earth had I missed it?

I really didn’t realize that you were hurting so bad. How on earth had I missed it?

WHAT WE ARE FAMILIAR WITH WE CEASE TO SEE.(Partial quote from Anais Nin)
From my experience to yours,
Tanya Wilson-Cherry
Consultant to stars like you and everyday people walking out this jewel called LIFE!


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