wpid-vintage-merry-go-round.jpegRemember  as a child,  the excitement you had about going to the fair , eating the candy and riding the rides. At one of the most tender times in childhood, like myself, the merry-go-round may very well have been one of your favorite rides. The thought of having to get off was tragic. I’ve seen little ones, crying  because they wanted to go around the merry-go-round once more. Not that anything would be different the next time on the merry-go-round, but it offered just a small amount of thrill as the horses went up and then came down again.

The entire ride continued to go in a repeating circle. Nothing too extravagant,  just a little thrill,  but ultimately, the same cycle. As adults, we can become accustom to going around the same cycle of life as well. Finding comfort in the mediocre moments of upheaval thrills, if we’re not careful. Only to come back down to the same point that we were at before. Do we get off of the merry-go-round? How do we move away from what use to bring us so much satisfaction but now only offers a hint of what we know life has to offer?

You first have to recognize that you were created for greater, you have to recognize that you deserve all that God has intended for you in life. You have to realize that nothing you have done in your past dictates the outcome of your future. Make up in your mind that you do deserve God’s best. Then set some goals, find some accountability partners, see yourself, envision yourself, at the place in life that you were truly created to be.

Don’t settle anymore for the merry-go-round. The one where at a certain age you were too small to even get off by yourself.  Although growing gracefully may offer some challenges getting off the horse now ( lol)…. The seat of the horse has become hard and uncomfortable and staying there, in that same place, pains you to even think about it. Yet you stay on the ride anyway.

Is it fear?  Know that the creator of the universe has real live chariots for you to ride. I mean real life adventures that he wants you to experience. Will you do it different this year? Will you go the extra mile? Will you get focused and serious about accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your purpose?

Don’t get comfortable on the merry-go-round of mediocrity in your life. Make some goals and stick them. If it’s a fresh start you need, take it. Start right where you are, focusing on what you can do NOW in your current situation.

Maybe it’s a list you wrote and never went back to. Maybe its a call you need to make , someone you need to forgive or someone you need to ask for forgiveness. What is it personally you can do now to get off the merry-go-round?

From my experience to yours,

Tanya Wilson-Cherry

Consultant to stars like you and everyday people walking out this jewel called LIFE.


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