
So many of us are so wired and tired that we can’t gain a focus on what’s necessary. My pastor delivered a message that equated to another level of surrender. It reminded me of a situation where someone asked me if I EVER took the time to do nothing. My response was “Yes, Everyday.” I guess they were not in agreeance with my answer, as we had gone out of town together, and I was often journaling when we had down time.So, they asked the same question again. And my response was the same. They repeated this a third time (“hmmm” -me silently thinking). Yes,by now I’m feeling “some type of way”,  because my answer was  still the same. My close friends  know I rarely watch tv. I replace that time with “doing nothing”(My idea of doing nothing). I think the individual felt that if I wasn’t taking the time to watch tv, go to the mall or make the next major event, I must have been too busy for my own good. But for me, my quiet time on my screened porch , journaling, reading,  watching my daughter play, or just enjoying nature has allowed me to think, prioritize, decide what really matters and put my energy into those things that build substance in my life. It has allowed me to hear God when he is showing me who I am and ordering my steps. As my pastor says” take some time to get somewhere and sit down”. Thanks Pastor! A message I’m sure we could all  use!

It really is okay to make time to rest. Your mind, your body, your heart, and those around you need you to do that! #rest #Iseeyourgreatness

From My experience to Yours,

Tanya Wilson-Cherry

Consultant to stars like you and everyday people walking out this jewel called LIFE!

Let’s bring it Full Circle!


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