We become so conditioned to going to our 9-5 that we really don’t enjoy. There is no doubt that we all have to make money to make ends meet.
Is there a passion on the inside of you that could actually pave and “pay the way”? Your passion may not seem like something that will allow you to earn a  decent living , but most successful businesses are owned by people who followed their passion and did something they really enjoyed. Working within your passion makes working much easier; doing something you love.

So, you love children, host  hands on parties for children(allowing parents  to do drop offs; time to have a date night or get caught up on normal responsibilities).

Maybe you aspire to be a personal trainer. Consider partnering with a local  chef to teach a healthy cooking class to clients, then record and sell the DVDs to others who wish to live a healthy life.

Maybe you enjoy writing.(people pay people to write for them)

Perhaps you enjoy refurbishing furniture, people are now looking for affordable creativity for their homes.

There are unlimited possibilities to earn a living!
Your passion will pave the way… and feed you.

The real limitations are only in your mind.

Passionately push past your fears and live life on purpose, while being paid to do

~Passionately push past your fears and live life on purpose while being paid to do it..

Your passion will feed you! tan3

From My Experience to Yours

Tanya Wilson-Cherry,

Consultant to Stars like you and everyday people walking out this jewel called LIFE!

4 Responses

  1. Kevin Jackson says:

    This seems like an exciting thing that you have going on. I am a passionate writer of spiritual pieces. I love to let my mind explore , and come up with thoughts that will be provoking and on time.

    • I am really enjoying myself. It brings me new excitement and purpose each day. The greatest part is that I get to share with others. I’m glad you are enjoying! Thanks for connecting with me!

  2. I absolutely love what you are doing. It’s amazing to have someone like you, to allow the Lord to use you to help others. This means so much!

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