Limited Time .

Prepare to Win in 2020..on purpose!


Business doesn’t get easier.

YOU get better at understanding things beyond the surface level of your craft Your Team, and the business itself. That’s how business gets better.

Do something you’ve been vowing to do all year long.(maybe for some years now)!

During this Holiday season, this is my way of giving back and offering opportunities for you to invest in yourself to truly grow your business in alignment with your goals and desires.


I’m offering some of my most popular results-driven courses marketing, client building, business and profit strategy creating courses and a few new opportunities to support you in creating a more profitable business and lifestyles you Love!

Invest in yourself. One of the greatest things you can do for yourself for the holidays is to make an investment in something that will continue to pay you back for years to come!

For a short time, you can take advantage of the following

5 Days 5 Ways

5 Opportunities For The Next 5 Days:

ends Dec. 2




New Hire Bundle…This bundle will change your entire hiring process and outcome!

Many salon owners share their concerns with hiring the right staff and struggling to find the right team.

Changing your mindset about hiring, and how you hire, can change things tremendously in your salon atmosphere.

As the leader, everything falls back on you. something I learned in my early years of hiring and salon ownership. For as much as I complained about the staff not wanting to work, or not being able to find the right staff, I actually needed to learn to hire differently!

So that’s exactly what I did… and everything shifted. After making those changes, I had the best running staff I’d ever had and their longevity was amazing for our salon growth!

Simply because I learned to hire differently!     I share the systems I used in this New Hire Bundle 7 action steps in full strategy.

  • Interview questions,
  • steps for hiring an assistant,
  • new hire vision template
  • how to market the position
  • a resource to find licensed beauty professionals in your uniques area and more.

You need a sound system for your hiring process. Over 35 pages of packed with action steps and strategies.

Click here

For Black Friday only $57 Regularly $77    



Online Classroom for Hairstylist and Salon Owners

Marketing, Client/Business Building Resource

 Mind Your Business Beauty Camp  

Click below to see the details of the types of courses. Must click back to get the BLAck Friday offer:  Online Biz Building Classroom  Membership Opportunity- For Hairstylist and Salon Owners

Regular Investment Cost $49 monthly

2 ways to invest In the Membership Site Opportunity

  • #1 Black Friday Opportunity  You pay $9.99 today for your first month.

2nd month  only $19.99

3rd-month lock in a rate of only $29.99 monthly( normally $49.99 monthly) Over $270 in savings for a year.

Unsubscribe at any point that you feel you’ve received full value!


Pay a one time fee of $297 for an entire year of access to the Membership Site Regularly $600( Save over $300)

        • Year-long access to salon business building and marketing training with access to video training to grow your business 12 modules you can access 24-7
        • Private Community with other Forward Moving Stylist taking action on their next level
        • Email access for personal business building questions and answers



          Offer 3

      Digital Affirmations Guide

                                         Only $9.97 ( Reg. 21)Click here 


      Offer 4

      Popular 4 Week Vision and Profit Planning/Strategies Course

      Slay Your Plans and Profit

      A Self Study Course Reg. $297

      For Black Friday The Course is available to You at only $197

      Dripped to Your Email Weekly For 4 Weeks

      Clients see a change in their entire life

       ~Brandi Nichole Wallace Image Stylist and Confidence Coach!

      In this course you receive:

      • Strategies to get unstuck and move forward with your true power.:
      • Abundance Mindset Tools to change your money beliefs and habits and earn more
      • New Profit Strategies to increase your income and increase your time freedom for the entire year in order to manifest your goals and create the business you love
      • Learn my proven RRF Factor TM to move past procrastination
      • Form quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals with the system taught in this class. You can use this system over and over each year
      • Time management Systems
      • You will learn personal triggers and distractions in your individual Journey that may be holding you back and how to apply steps to defeat them so that you can get it done.

      Click Here For More Details 

      Offer 5

      Get Your Money Get Your Life Course- Budgeting Basis  and Financial Freedom

      Two ways To Purchase:

      ~Dvd Version shipped to your home ( Not Available For 5 Days 5 Ways Black Friday)Reg. $197

      ~Downloadable 2 Week Video Training Version and Workbook

      Regularly $137 Only$59  For Black Friday

      Whether you have experienced job loss, having to go from a two-income household to a one-income household, or if you simply need to get a grip on your finances and spending there is hope. There are some basic principles to budgeting and finances that can truly change your life and position you to truly prosper.

      Not having enough money and being in bondage to debt can be a nightmare!

      You’d be surprised at the money you can find when you get crystal clear!

      Offer includes:

        • DVD Video Training of two weeks of training
        • A  downloadable workbook
        •  A blank budget sheet to begin your process!
        • FYI information sheet with savings on Restaurants, daily living savings options, credit report access…and more


      Click Here For Details     




      Bonus Offer

      7 P’s To Prosperity Master Life Training


      Master Life Training designed to give you 7 key principles to creating Prosperity in your Business and Life.

      You can process, study and carry out concepts from training on








      Who is this for:

      The entrepreneur who wants to up-level their Faith adding sound practical principles they can apply to their pursuit of prosperity.

      The training allows you to look at your current processes and implement new concepts that work for your business and life to move forward!

      *The training is designed in small segments, to make it easy to work through. Powerful and results-driven when applied!


      • Over 2 hours of Prosperity Master Life Training
      • Bonus Downloadable Workbook
      • Lifetime access( to training  downloadable to your devices)

      Regularly $97

      Only  $47 For 5 days 5 ways Blk. Fri.


      Access will automatically sent directly to your email shortly after purchase!

      Please note: There are no refunds on digital products
      [wpcdt-countdown id=”4675″]

      You CAn Bundle them all for only $305


      Tanya specializes in helping entrepreneurs and beauty industry professionals learn to form working systems in their business to get unstuck and truly profit!