

1~Not planning anytime to properly train and explain what your team needs to do. Your time will be lost in trying to correct mistakes that could have been avoided with communication/training. Never bombard your schedule where you cannot train/ connect with your team. Your team will run the same way, with no growth, without connection/training time.

2~ Not being able to delegate without being 100% hands on.

A leader should have time spaced out to deal with issues and growth so that the team can execute the plan. Trust that others can do things well… allow them to stretch and learn new things.


* that people understand your request after only saying it once.

These are your ideas and your vision.(even if it’s for that day) You have employed capable or trainable people who can help bring the vision to pass while growing in their personal stance as well. Reminding your team of the vision, and explaining it thoroughly, and maybe a few times, assures the greatest productivity. It is also why you are a great manager or leader.

*that who is at fault is more important than finding a solution.

The solution is often what’s most important in the moment of chaos.

*That know one else has ideas that work.

Be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. This is always where growth is found. Just be mindful to stay focused on the Vision and what will benefit the Vision.

Together  Everyone Achieves More

Tanya Wilson-Cherry

Business Consultant

Thought Leader|Beauty Industry Leader

Consulting to enhance the lives of others personally and professionally!

Let’s Bring this thing FULL CIRCLE!tan3

SAVE THE DATE August 30 2015 The Launch Party For the T.E.AM 


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