Tanya Wilson/Growth Strategist

 Business Coach/Mentor

Certified Life Coach

Whether you’ve thought about it or not you are building your brand every single day. Everything You post on social media, how you interact with clients and potential clients, the collaborations you make, the process you use to service clients…it’s all a part of your brand. So many make the grave mistake of thinking their brand is their logo, their website, and pretty pictures, and they are all included in the branding process, But long before the cute pics, your brand begins speaking for itself. It has its own personality.

Your Brand is how the market place sees you. The feeling they get when they interact with your advertisements, when they visit your establishment, what they say when asked about your brand, what they say when they tell others about your brand. That’s your brand!

Think about when you see the Tiffany & Co box. What thoughts do you have? What words would you use to describe the brand? Quality, money, exclusive, are maybe a few words that come to mind. It’s not because it’s a super fancy box. Tiffany & Co. has created an experience that’s etched in the mind of the consumer.

Now, let’s use Walmart as an example. What thoughts come to mind when you hear the name Walmart? Affordable, maybe even cheap? Convenient, accessible? Nothing is wrong with either. It simply depends on the type of Brand you desire to build! At the end of the day, it’s how people feel, what they say, and what they experience when they interact in any way with your brand!


Branding Advice

Here are 3 things to consider when developing your brand, whether it’s your personal brand or your business brand.

  • Get really clear on WHO YOU ARE as a brand. Your values, what’s important to you and how you would like to be viewed as a brand in the market place.
  • Decide on your PERFECT PEOPLE Who is more likely to purchase from you based on your Brand? Learn as much about them as possible, speak their language in your marketing, and assure that your brand caters to their specific needs. You’ll get customers quicker, sooner, faster if you have a specific targeted audience. Nothing more difficult than trying to be all to everybody.
  • Decide on clear messaging that speaks to your ideal customers who’ll find value in what you offer.


You can connect with Tanya for Branding, Business Buiding and Life Coaching!

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