Let’s Face it!

The way you attract customers into your business has changed!


And the past 10 to 15 years,

” back in the day” as my daughter Jaden states it,

there was no such thing as building a brand on social media or learning all of this technology to grow your business.

“I want to share some things with you I think will help you in your frustration!”

If I’d had this simplified outlook on my entrepreneurial career when I first started, (the 3 stages for Business Growth),

I’m sure it would have been a lot easier for me in my different levels of success.

Understanding where you are and what’s right at the next level can offer hope and direction. Twenty-some years ago, when I started out as a self-employed entrepreneur in a service-based industry, building a clientele was nothing like it is today.

Guess what, your  Business or Entrepreneurial Career has three stages of growth for you to embrace.

I’ll share the first stage with you and share the other 2 in upcoming blog posts!

I’m going to give some brief tips on what to expect in each stage I share. Then, you can think about where you are and decide which stage of growth sounds familiar in your journey.

This will give you a level of clarity.

It will give you direction on things you can start or tweak depending on what stage you find your business in.

Don’t worry, after, if you’re still a little uncertain about your unique position, You can schedule a complimentary call with me afterward

The First Stage:

The Seed Stage.

As I was planning this blog post, I thought of an opportunity I had about 4-5 years ago with the Chamber of Commerce in our area. I was asked to teach a group of Budding Entrepreneurs for a SEED GRANT program in the ground root stages of developing their business. My topic for my session was, SEED, TIME, HARVEST!

As I am recollecting now, it was so in line with the 3 stages we’ll discuss over our next few blog post!

Okay, The Seed Stage!

  • This is the beginning stage( outside of creating a vision) of your Business.

In this stage, you are trying to find your way

  • You may find yourself hitting the pavement passing out your cards a lot.
  • Talking to people…networking!
  • Doing an extreme amount of learning and taking skill set classes!

For me, in my first years, although I still take classes now, I took so many classes from so many experts. I bought many courses online when I opened my business and stayed connected to my mentor.

This helped me get a better understanding of my business.

I spent a lot of time really promoting my business to those in my local community.

You may find yourself doing this now. It’s necessary! Especially in The Seed Stage.

This is a lot of what goes on in the early stages!

  • You are the marketer

  • You are the appointment scheduler

  • You’re the person pretty much doing it all at this stage.

  • you’re building up your visibility and letting your community know that you exist

  • You just need clients. You aren’t particular at all about who that client is, you just need butts in seats.

As your clientele/business begins to grow, it can become overwhelming… Being the one-man show.

When the frustration comes, it is often time to move on to the next stage of growth in your  Business. You begin seeing the need for more attention to the real business operations at this point.

In today’s times, an online appointment scheduler,  and/or receptionist for a brick and mortar business owner, a website, and email marketing are a few tools that could help you to not feel so overwhelmed,

work smarter, not harder

and not be as frustrated about running the business side of your business outside of the skillset.

As creatives, we often focus so much on the skill set! (they didn’t tell us we’d have to learn business too)😙

However, even the greatest skilled in their craft can still do feel frustrated.

Again, it is normally time to move into the next Stage of Growth.

I can’t wait to share the next stage with you.

By the way, The Seed Stage has nothing to do with how long you’ve been doing what you do.

I’m certain hearing details on the next stage will give you some clarity on deciding if it’s time for the next steps.

Knowing what stage you are in helps tremendously.

We deep dive into this inside:

3D Success Academy for Women.

You can Join Today Click HERE


Click here to check out The Growth Stage


The number of years you’ve been a licensed professional doesn’t always match the Stage You are in your business. You could very well be a newbie in your industry, but still, be ready for the Next Growth Stage in your business.

Until next week!

Success on Purpose


Transformational Growth Strategist/ Business Coach/ Mentor



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