My entire entrepreneurial career has been centered around working with women. And although I started out in a very Hands-On service-based business in the beauty industry what I always found most intriguing was the stories and the lives of the people I had an opportunity to serve.

Two things I noticed we as women struggle with the most. Our identity and our personal economy.

I’ve serviced accomplished women with Ph.D.’s, amazing community leadership, and high-level positions in companies. I’ve serviced accomplished women who were stay-at-home moms and essential workers.

The common theme was still identity and personal economy no matter the spectrum. Many had similar struggles with similar things.

 I got so consumed in trying to find answers to the intimate stories I heard over the years. It was one of the reasons for my own personal growth and reinvention as a Business Consultant and Certified Life Coach! I simply felt a call to serve at a new capacity!

I could no longer do the thing that I had been doing for over two decades. I had to find a way to do what was so connected to my heart space. (Let’s be clear, it needed to be monetizable too, okay!😊 )

 That’s where I started Consulting and have been for almost a decade now.

I’ve watch many women reinvent themselves.

 My mom worked in Corporate America for many years during my childhood at a local bank in our area. She’s now a General Licensed Contractor who builds homes and has been for almost 20 years.

I walked through divorce with a friend and heard the triumphs of so many women who changed their life. Either by a pull to do it differently on the inside, or a life occurrence that caused them to see things completely different and decide to go full on, full out with what had always been in their heart to pursuit.

 Reinvention doesn’t always happen because we planned it. Sometimes it happens because we embrace it!

Pause, and let that sink in.

It’s so connected to how we’ve grown and what we’ve overcome we can’t not step into the transformation! ( We make up words and phrases around here sometimes, roll with me) #can’tnot

In the same breath, I’ve watched even more people talk about a desire for a decade and never go forth. Feeling drained, remaining comfortable and complacent, or simply afraid.

 What’s in their heart is outside of their norm, their social circle, their cliché, their family ideal, their industry norms, their space of normalcy and possibility. So, it becomes this thing, this conversation they have for years. This seed that lay dormant on the inside of them.

They just aren’t sure they have what it takes or aren’t around a community that has the capacity to empower their ideas and heart-felt desires!

I personally don’t feel we were called to always do life the same, forever.

Sometimes life happens, like the pandemic, and the urge becomes louder . There is greater awareness about how much we’ve taken for granted or how much we no longer want to do business as usual!

Either way, I believe reinvention was God’s plan, his pull to greatness, His Master Class, his leadership training, his tool for increase and prosperity.

 For me, reinvention has been a reality.

 From college to trade, to brick and mortar business owner with a full on 12 memember staff, from wife for 14 years to single mom, from an off line physical business, to an online, time-rich, profitable, location free Coaching and Consulting business.

 I’ve had my share of reinvention throughout my 28 years of entrepreneurship. And I’m not through evolving and reinventing myself.

If you are considering reinventing your business or life, here are a few things to consider.

  • Spend time really accessing what’s truly in your heart to do.
  • Know that your gifts will make room for you. Be intentional about uncovering your gifts and identifying your Super-Powers and your Zone of Genius. As you continue cultivating them the rooms and opportunities available to you grow and change.
  • What you need is on the inside of you. Don’t look outside of you first. Go within! Do not underestimate yourself.
  • Your personal transformation is HUGE. (The personal work you do on you is priceless)
  • Invest in your Dream/Vision. The transformation will prove money, time, and energy well spent!
  • In order to reinvent your-self, your BELIEFS have to change. (Repeat that a few times and let it sink in)
  • You have to let go of how things used to be!
  • Find Clarity. Be intentional about what you truly desire! Your intentionality is going to be key as you reinvent your business and life!

So many are in autopilot. Living life by default,

You can Design your Destiny!

You can reinvent your business and your life!

Success On Purpose


The Growth Strategist

Master Life and Business Coach

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