I’m not quite sure what pains me more, A salon industry professional or entrepreneur who is really skilled in the industry who got complacent didn’t continue to learn new things and is now wondering what in the world happened to all of the clients they were once doing.( From 50 clients to less than 20)


An industry professional or entrepreneur who trail blazed their career and went really fast to different levels of success, just really S.O.A.R.ed, really really fast, but simply skipped some steps. They simply forgot to take some foundational steps and now struggle to grasp that the quicker they do take those missed steps, the faster they will progress forward.

This week’s blog posts is coming from a space of simply wanting to propose just a couple questions to you, to get you to thinking about your business in the salon industry, moving forward and making great growth decisions as we embark on 2018!

First question:

Is your Salon Industry Business

In the past or in the future?

Years ago getting clients was nothing like it is today and many salons who have continued to be like the “old mom and pop store” are finding it even harder to keep up or to sustain.

The only answer really is, “You gotta do something different!” You have to begin implementing relevant strategies that work in today’s times to grow and sustain your salon business/hairstylist career.

I think it’s human nature to get really comfortable with what worked in the past. Sometimes the story of our old successes keeps us in a continuious cycle of doing “the same thing.”

You know the conversations about, “Boy, I remember when…”(fill in the blank)

At some point, that story has to change. You should be talking about current success, not just those from the past. This is a great sign that you are operating your business from the past!

Are you simply hoping things will change, somehow, magically perhaps, or are you just in faith?

One thing about faith, it will always proceed action!

You have to put some action behind the hope and actually do something to change how things are occurring in your business!

Prime example,( a transparent moment for me) I had someone to contact me from another country who wanted to sign up for my upcoming Email marketing Boot Camp happening this Monday, Nov. 13.

Guess what, The Payment Processor I used for that Course was not set to accept payments from out of the US. Of course, I jumped right on it!

But, at the same time I realized that if the person was the least bit uncertain about joining, I would have lost the opportunity. Luckily they were following me on social media for quite some time and were clear that The Email Marketing Boot Camp was valuable for their Salon Busines.

How many other sales have I lost from other places because I didn’t have relevant systems in place to accept out of Country payments?

How many other people from places like the UK or other countries had attempted to sign up to work with me to grow their business, but, because I didn’t faith forward in action and make that option available, I may have missed those opportunities!

It’s so important that your business stay relevant in order to maximize your efforts. Most often times the worth of those strategies being in place before the opportunity ever happens are hard to see because you never slow down the routine or hustle ( that’s not really working the way you truly would love for them too), to simply implement some new strategies that will prepare your business for continued success in your right now and your future.

You have to set your business up for where you want to go, not just where you are right now. It’s part of being prepared. I talk about one of the important things you need in this video .

Until next week

Success on Purpose



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