Does it feel like you have tried to get your business up and running for years. You have a great business idea and product , but just don’t know how to get it  fully off the ground and profiting. Or, maybe you feel like you never have time to work on building your business because you are behind the chair or working in the business?

It’s easy to lose your passion or focus on your business when you are dedicating your time to your money maker.( Which in all honesty is not bringing in the revnue you desire) But. you never seem to have the time to do things different that will bring increase and change! You know, the job that pays the bills , keeps the lights on, provides for the children. It can almost feel like your dream for your own business will never fully happen. You can easily find your self working the same routine for 5- 10 years and ultimatley, even trying new things, the end result is the same!

The first thing you have to do is separate the two.  Work in the business / Work on the Business!

Decide that you are going to make your own business work. If you can put in 40-60 hours a week helping someone else fulfill their dream, or servicing others need, there is no way you aren’t going to make time to build your own.

Like really, is this how you will live the rest of your life?

Deciding , with a made up mind, is actually the first step. It has to be a decision with no if, ands, or buts. You have to have a made up mind that you are going to start or meet your goal of  getting to your next level in your business, that actually makes money that will support the lifestyle you love.

You need a made up mind, the right information, and a strategy. And that’s where I come in.

Most entrepreneurs have great ideas, and tons of information but no real strategy to make it happen. This is where people lose the passion needed to stay the course and grow their business idea into their actual lifestyle.

I owned my salon for over ten years. Around my 8th year, (and 18 years as a stylist,  industry educator, platform artist, and a connector to many small businesses in my community), I decided that I needed a career change that would allow me to expand , grow, help more people on a larger scale, while creating a balanced life that allowed me the freedom to be more connected with my family. You know, more  days off, planned vacations without going broke, being present in school functions and activities without feeling stressed or losing money.  I knew it was time to create the lifestyle I really desired.

You can do that to with your current business, whether you own a salon or have other entreprener endeavor

I actually recognized my next endeavor as a consultant at a conference I attended in Florida. That conference was $1599!  And I needed a plane ticket and spending money for 3 days. It seemd like such a large investment at the time, but I made up my mind , and guess what , it happened!

WHOA “That seemed like such a huge sacrifice then, but it has paid me back over and over and over and I am pleased that I was able to attend. I gained the clarity I needed in that huge opportunity I took to invest in myself. I came home and I got to work. I created a system, and in one year from recognizing exactly what I wanted to do, I studied , created the foundation for my consulting business, launched a year later and landed my first $500 client(that would only require 2 hours of my time)  2 days after my launch!

How did I do it? I created a system that allowed me to run my previous business while devoting time to building my new business. A  year after that I went full speed into Consulting and I now teach other entrepreneurs how to do the same( Work on the business or next level while working in the business) using the system I created to make it happen. You can build your business while working standing behind the chair, working  a 9 to 5, and operating a salon and it doesn’t have to take 10 years  or even 5 years to make it happen, especially with the advantages Social Media offers today. And you don’t have to break the bank to do it!

You just need a made up mind, the right information , and a solid plan to get it done.

There is nothing like a dream that seems to drag along or tug on your heart, but not really manifest in your everyday life. It’s like you know what you have to offer is valuable and needs to be in the hands or lives of many people. You know what you have to offer will make a difference, but just don’t know how to make it happen.

I want people to know it’s possible. You can create a business that will support you and your family , or be another stream of positive cash flow without taking 10 years to make it happen. That’s why I’ve created my next Power Class, Slay Your Plans and Profit . Unlike the $1600 class I took, this class is only $197, but the value is immeasurable  Guess what, you can save even more with the early bird special if you save your seat before April 17th. I made the class so low because I wanted as many people as possible to take advantage of it and begin to really profit with their business idea or dreams. I want people to have time to invest in what really matters to them and often that is their family and loved ones.  I’ve put all of my methods, strategies, and systems  into this virtual, face to face, hands on class, allowing you to ask questions specific to your business and leave with clarity and a 12 month strategy of actionable steps to get it done.

This 4 week Strategy Class  begins May 22 at 8:30 Pm (EST) virtually right from your home! If you know this is what you need, you are struggling to work in the business and finding time to take it to the next level, if you know you need fresh relevant information and a systems to make it happen, don’t hesitate on investing in yourself and your business, Reserve your seat today!

Slay your 2017 May date (1)



I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned and help you grow your business, even while working  in the business, behing the chair or a 9 to 5… without going bananas!

From my experience to yours,

Tanya Wilson-Cherry

Business Consultant to stars like you!


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