We make them all the time.
Many without out consciously thinking about it!
Which is probably one of the biggest mistakes we could possibly make.
Not being aware!
Decisions do decide destiny, and as much as we may or may not be aware, our money story affects how we make everyday life decisions and the numerous decisions we make in our business.
Our money story dictates much of what happens as it relates to our destiny. Your money story is deeply aligned with the story we heard or didn’t hear as children. Sometimes our money story is affected by later events we experience in life that cause us to have STANCE about money!
If we always heard lack in our homes as it relates to money, or there was a desperation around money; there is not enough, money is hard to come by, that’s only for rich people, etc. it can greatly affect how we currently view money today and the decision we make as it relates to money!
It could be the reason you do or don’t move forward on opportunities or refuse to go to certain environments or events because your money story says, “That’s not for you, or there will be no money left.”
Most parents or guardians meant absolutely no harm in the fear or money story they were creating around money. They shared what they knew and how they saw life. However, it can and often does create a scarcity mindset around money and opportunities. Even a previous loss of a business or opportunity in your adult life can create a fear around money.
If you are making decisions from a place of lack and desperation then you always yield results that equate to that.
I remember going through a hard time in my finances.
New business, new marriage, new baby and a few years later, new financial woes I had not anticipated.
When I think back on those times, I made so many decisions from a place of lack, desperation, and frustration.
- I wasn’t focused ( properly) on my money, only about chasing it.
- I was grinding hard… at least I thought, and the more I put action into things the worst it seemed to get.
Turns out
- I was working hard on the wrong things and making very lack minded decisions!
- There was a fear of investing in things that would actually allow my business to grow. I had stopped doing the principal things that create momentum in the abundance flow!
- I was too focused on my circumstances and not possibility ( seeing beyond what my natural eyes could see!)
Then I made a REAL decision.
I was no longer accepting my situation. I went back to what was transpiring when things were going well, how was I feeling, what was I thinking and doing when things were much better.
One, I was definitely more focused and measuring my process and progress.
I wasn’t worried about money! I was in a space of belief and creation.
I realized, during my time of lack I had not properly taken into account my new life and how that would play into my business. Many things had been added to my life without me adjusting and making room!
I needed new systems!
- I had gotten stuck in the routine of chasing clients and money.
- Making scarcity decisions in my life and business, not decisions that would actually bring in more.
- Only really focusing only how I could hold onto the seemingly dwindling finances coming in!
THAT SPACE, that type of decision making… only recreates the same thing.
I blamed it on the economy, it was around the time of a supposed recession, that was the buzz and the fear being created all around me, on tv, on the news and just about everyone I spoke to.#whoyoulistentomatters
I had a sit down with myself, quickly, not as quick as I should have, but quick enough to turn things around.
I thought to myself. “What’s the real problem here?”
It was my thinking!
I said, “Hey, there are other salons that are still doing well in the same city, in the same area.
I was making decisions from a place of lack and desperation.. not from a space of abundance, where clients are unlimited, resources are unlimited and everything I need is available to me.
I re-checked my salon vision and wrote it down.
That led to another HUGE opportunity, (I’ll share at another time)
Write your VISION DOWN!
I began opening my mind to the possibility.
This means my mind was open to new strategies, actually investing in my business for the next level( and not sitting in fear)
I had to realign with the abundance around me.
Take a moment, think about how you’ve been making decisions lately?
Have they been from a place of lack and desperation( not enough)
or abundance?
If so, you’ve been making decisions from a space of lack and desperation thinking.
This type of thinking always stifles your growth!
What was the last opportunity you were faced with that you turned down because of the cost?
Learn to look at opportunities from a space of value, not cost. Instead, think of how much impact and growth it will allow you.
I remember the early years of my marriage, my husband would spend sometimes two days cutting the grass. We had a huge yard! It took two days because he would start on it after work then spend almost all day Saturday or Sunday finishing.
He enjoyed working in the yard, but I felt it would be more “valuable” to hire someone so we could spend that time growing our family and doing things we loved.
- Maybe for you, it’s not cutting the grass but maybe hiring help cleaning the home! There are people who love cleaning house and maybe your time would be spent doing something more valuable to you or your business.
- Maybe you need help in the salon; an assistant or front desk and you see it only as an expense. But those two positions can free up your time and help push your business forward.
- Maybe it was a course you knew would send your business SOARING, but you looked at the cost and not the value.
These are the type of decisions business owners are faced with making all the time.
Knowing how much impact and growth the opportunity will allow you is the VALUE of the opportunity!
Don’t think from a space of
“That won’t work for me. I’ll never be able to afford that”
“That type of setting is not for me, it’s for those type of people”…
Whatever that means 🙂
You were born for the EXCEPTIONAL things in life!
You were created with abundance and possibility in mind!
Begin thinking from a space of expecting things to work out as you stretch and move to new levels! Change your Money Story!
Your Decisions Decide your Destiny and your Money Story affects it all!
Success on Purpose,
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