Mental Detox

“The Mindset to Excel”- Personal Freedom

Monday, July 13, 8:30 pm (EST) (Virtually)

Awww man. You missed the live session but you can access the replay now (Download it for lifetime access)


Have you ever just felt like you need a mental detox?

You know, when you start forgetting important things, you lack the energy and motivation, your responsibility continues to pile up, you are moving forward, but really just doing the bare minimal normalcy of routine.

At this moment you don’t necessarily need more information about your business per se, just a mental detox!

With normal everyday life and the uncertainty our world faces now,

do you just need to detox from it all, but still, find your space of productivity and prosperity?

But how when you really just want to stop altogether.

Well, I’ve been listening to my clients and those connecting with me for consulting saying something very similar.

Struggling to get the things on their list done, information overload…you name it!
So, I’ve decided to optimize my Life Coaching strategies and offer a

Master Life classes to support you during this unique time in your life and in the world, to give you the added space of clarity and empowerment in your pursuit!

As a Bonus: I will teach you how to use my A.S.A.P. Method ™ to sift through and find clarity in future times!

These classes will give you

  • The clarity to implement action steps that will bring peace, and give you energy, spiritual renewal, and productive thought patterns for personal your fulfillment to excel.

Usually, around the middle of the year, everything can begin to look blurry. A good ole mental detox does wonders!

If you could use a mental detox, click below to save your seat.
This a 1-day power push session to help you move into the last half the year with greater ease, clarity, and peace! ( and profits)

Monday, July 13, 8:30 pm (EST) Click here to join us!

AWWW MAN YOU MISSED THE Live session, but you can access the replay.

Just a few clicks and a few minutes and it will be in your email inbox.

Guess what?

It’s only $57.

This a non-refundable opportunity!

Please note: Your email and will be automatically sent to the email attached to your payment account.

For questions email


I can’t wait to support you!

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