We Hold The Energy of 3-5x your income.



An 8-month container.

An incubator to add passive income to your business, elevate your mind, and hold space for you while you build and expand!

Much of the early stages of business are trial and error, doing what we know to the fullest, which sometimes just works, but often leaves you just working more.  The energy behind this stage in business is normally faced with resistance and push and pull. Producing the income you truly desire comes with tireless hours in the business and doing it alone.

Then there is a level where you get to see your efforts, gifts, and all you’ve learned, produce greater profits, and your business flow more smoothly.  A place where you tap into another version of yourself. There is a next-level flow in your business that allows you time to enjoy operating your business with a more empowering effort that causes your business to flow with greater ease and bigger profits. It’s because of who you become!

That Level is here in Exceptional Coach… Brand, Build, Profit Mastermind!

  • The Concept of Masterminding has been around for ages. Used by numerous powerful individuals. Allegiances have been formed in Mastermind Groups and moved on to do massive and major things in their lives and careers through the concept of Masterminding!

Exceptional Mastermind group members challenge each other to set powerful goals, and achieve them!

The energy and inspiration are transferrable.

The support of highly driven individuals creates momentum and impact that yields major results! Next Level Strategies that allow you to attract the people and opportunities needed to ascend to your next level in business and life.

Coaching and mentoring that cultivates your gifts and expertise in order to see multiplied profits and stand tall in your own lane attracting your perfect people and multiplied profits.

This is an opportunity only open to select ambitious individuals who are ready to receive and contribute to the community at high levels.

  • The Mindset Needed for Massive Growth
  • Learning the Law of Multiplication
  • Branding
  • Building and
  •  Next-Level Profit and Passicve Income Strategies

In this opportunity, you will not only have the advantage of masterminding but also coaching in which  I teach concepts beyond the surface to further design your unique Business Brand and/or Personal Brand.

Branding You are your brand. Not your Website, Logos, and Pretty Pics. They have their place, but there is an internal process of brand clarity and building that will completely change how you do business, how you show up, and who you attract. My system for branding walks you through that.

True branding is an internal process!

Building your Business. Create Passive Income streams and simple effective systems that make doing business attractive, easy for your clients to receive transformation, and you to operate fully in your area of gifting!


Profit… Yesssss! This is where I work with you to embody profit-producing shifts to multiply your profits with results-driven strategies with greater ease.

The investment for the Exceptional Brand Build Profit Mastermind is $15,000 with installment options available.
Save when paying in full . You pay $12,222

Apply Here

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