

All of your life experiences tell a story. Every triumph, every pain, every success, and every situation that you have endured, overcome, and come out of, is a story that someone needs to hear. Your contribution to the world could be through telling how you overcame. Many think that no one would want to hear their story. But stories leave clues and direction for those that face some of the same giants as you. Words have the power to heal. YOUR life has purpose. The fact that you are reading this today proves that your life has purpose.

Have you had this nudging desire to write a book? Have you possibly been putting off getting started because you just didn’t know where to start?  Many  have contemplated writing a book and simply had no idea where to start or how to get it done. It’s like the story on the inside is dying to come out.

Writing is therapy. And reading is healing! Writing a book  is an opportunity to be heard and understood fully. Your book could be the extra stream of income you’ve been praying for. Or, just your freedom to express! A testimony to others. When you relive it through writing, you’ll receive an even greater reward. Go ahead! Write the BOOK. Someone else needs to hear your story… and I have the perfect person to help you tell it!

Mrs. Diane Taylor, of TaylorMade Publishing, will be the guest speaker at my next class, ” A Vision For Your Life and Business.”  Her heart is for the people and she has a genuine passion to help others tell their story. Her entire entire publishing business is purpose driven.

Join us on September 20, 2014 for an awesome experience, and a move of greatness is your life.

From My experience to Yours,

Tanya Wilson-Cherry

Consultant to everyday people walking out this thing called LIFE!


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