August Opportunities

As a Life and Business Coach who helps clients step into their personal power, each month I highlight some form of Personal Growth and Development and mindset training in the midst of my Business Coaching opportunities.

Your personal power and your mindset are at the core of your success.

Some of the opportunities this month have immediate access.

Others are being taught LIVE or require an application.

Click on each graphic to access the details of each opportunity for support in your Business, Brand, and Life Tanya is offering this month.

Let’s Build and Grow!

3D Brand Master Class

Begins August 8th-10th

Register Here

Begins August 5th

1 Day In-Person Growth Strategy Day


3D Success Academy

1 oN 1 VIP Private Coaching
Money Mindset Downloadable Masterclass

Click to Apply 8-Month Group Coaching Mastermind Create your Course, Training, Monetize your IP