brand clarity

I was listening to the audio of a video being uploaded to my social media today, talking about how I stay consistent.

It is a question I’ve heard often, over time, from clients and general people on social media in my comment section.

One of the things I shared that I do is work in approx. 20-minute segments and then take breaks.

It’s something I adopted because of how it felt. How it allowed me to not feel overwhelmed, and the ability it offered me to maintain a high level of productivity. Especially as I embraced building my business with more feminine energy instead of mostly my masculine.

It’s been such a blessing.

For the first time, mainly because I heard myself sharing some of my routine, and how I work in intervals just came up in a call a few days prior, out of curiosity, I googled it.

I googled, “Do successful people work in 20-minute intervals?”
I was surprised to see there is actually a method called the Pomodoro Technique.

Research also stated:

Successful people tend to break down their day into smaller time blocks, often as short as 20 minutes, to maintain high focus and track their time meticulously.

time mangement

I teach productivity training and time management inside 3D Success Academy For Women in Business. to help them build their business with more ease and flow.

The concepts worked for me and so many of my clients, I never saw a need to research what was working up until now.

As I was reading, I thought about a conversation I had with a client who enquired about where I learned concepts from.

Of course, I have mentors and work with Coaches, but so many things have been downloaded to me.

 I have learned through experience, or in my evolution and uncovering who I am as a Brand.

You may have heard me share how Coaching found me.

I was developing personal ways to get unstuck after opening my first business.

In a 3-year time frame, I opened a brick-and-mortar business, hired about 12 staff, got married, and had my first child in that order. I found myself overwhelmed in that first 3-year time frame and began to devise ways to get unstuck.

Time management, productivity, and creating a Vision were some of the soundboards that helped me get unstuck. I shared them with others. Literally, everyone I could share them with, because they were working.

To my surprise, the concepts were working for others too.

This is when Coaching and Consulting found me. The number of people coming to me for help continued to increase until it became a thing. One of those times where I was doing a thing I did not know was a concept or a thing. I was Coaching and Consulting before I knew what it really was and definitely didn’t understand it was monetizable. Highly monetizable.

A big part of my method, and I believe my gifting, has been to get a download, incorporate it, and later learn it’s a thing.

You also have natural gifting that will prove to be invaluable to devloping your Brand.

Speaking of Branding, I was Branding in my brick-and-mortar business in the early 2000s before I even knew what branding was.  Had never heard of the term.

It simply felt like the natural thing to do.

As I began Coaching and Consulting, I learned there were names and terms to many concepts or activities I had already been doing naturally in my first business.

This is the reason I work deeply with my clients from a Holistic Business approach.

We take a Full Circle perspective on building their Business and Brand. Being mindful to incorporate their natural gifts and best ways of offering leadership and learning to those they support. Their clients and staff.

My clients are so brilliant.

They are often doing things naturally they may overlook.

When we uncover who they are as a Brand, things in their business, we create concepts and frameworks that establish a level of uniqueness that makes them stand out.

Things clients and customers remember them by.

Ultimately, their uniqueness becomes a huge part of their Brand and the journey they take their clients on.

I will always support developing your Brand from an internal aspect.
Not from external things like your logos, websites, and pretty pictures.

 Those are collateral materials you develop after identifying who you are as a Brand!

Your brand has its own DNA.

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Getting clear, uncovering it, becomes a space for attracting your Perfect People.

When you uncover who you are as a Brand you find those unique things.

You begin expanding and scaling your unique business.

In today’s economic climate and general space of doing business that’s so important, your uniqueness. What will make you stand out from the crowd.

Be willing to go deeper in your Business and Brand building process this year.

 With that level of Brand Clarity, it will not only help you stand out from the crowd, but help in you consistency and your goals of scaling faster.

Everything is happening from the inside out!

Success On Purpose,


Your Transformational Business and Mindset Coach.

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Here are a few added ways to support you further in your business growth

3D Success Academy or Women In Business

Your Perfect People Framework

Power Hour



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