I love this definition of the word NEW: already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.
“I love it mostly because everything you are setting out to do this year, your goals, dreams, and vision, is already available for you.”
People celebrate the New Year at different times around the world.
For those who follow the Hebrew calendar, it’s March/April, which makes sense.
New things are growing. It’s spring. Things are springing up. There’s newness. There’s freshness.
In Western culture, we celebrate the New Year in January. In other parts of the world, like Africa, it is celebrated at the end of December, and in different parts of the world, it is celebrated in September.
Regardless of when you celebrate the New Year, something magical happens during that time.
There is energy that is gathered from the collective and centered around the NEW.
It is a time when new ideas, new desires, new intentions, and new energy are set in place.
The NEW energy is in the atmosphere.
All around you.
People are talking about it.
They’re signing up for trainers at the gym.
Investing in Life Coaches in their lives.
Nutritionists and Health Coaches for their health.
They are creating meal plans and restructuring their business.
They are reestablishing commitments in their relationships.
They are setting intentions for the New Year for their life.
And that energy is powerful.
If you have struggled with procrastination or maybe you took a pause, a necessary pause in your life, and
- you’re ready to recommit yourself to your vision
- you’re ready to get connected to your vision once again
The New Year is a great time to do it.
Whatever your IT is.
- It’s a great time to adopt a new strategy and plan to make more money in your business,
- Get more clients for your Premium Offer,
- Plan for that trip out of the country,
- Start your next stream of income
- To purchase the land
- start a new workout and self-care routine
- To get Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.
Whatever your IT is.
There’s something about being able to tap into the energy that’s already transpiring in the world space around you and take full advantage of it.
Allowing it to be the wind beneath your wings.
There is something powerful about collective energy when a multitude of people get behind a particular thing.
The ability to move causes desires, and actions forward to happen faster.
The energy is heightened.
That ability is increased during that time.
It is the energy during the New Year.
The energy of new has a whole other vibe.
The number of people on one accord to achieve something greater moves things faster, at a swifter pace.
- You are ready to grow your business, and your Mentor or Coach is in the ready energy too.
- You are ready for an amazing relationship-Your divine partner is on that same new energy.
- You are ready to achieve new health goals- your health Coach, nutritionist, and trainer are all on that same energy too.
Do you see how this works? That collective New Energy.
We can think about it in other aspects like a new car.
That feeling that comes when driving a new car.
The new car smell.
The whole scenario is a vibe that somehow makes you want to move.
Or, a new job.
A new relationship or recommitting to a relationship.
There’s something about the energy of new.
When you multiply that energy, like what happens at the time of a new year, when a large majority of people are on the same wavelength, on the same frequency, it will move you further faster if you align with it.
It will assist you in getting your goals done.
If you struggled with procrastination before, or if you have some bigger larger things you want to do this year, this is an amazing time to tap into the energy of NEW to get your goals done.
It’s a space for excitement and innovation, change, and a Fresh Start.
A space for renewal, creativity
This is where fresh ideas and personal energy are recentered in the energy of NEW.
If you need an even bigger surge of energy, tap into the “How To Defeat Procrastination Activation Session.”

What are you doing to tap into this New?
The energy attached to the New Year.
Are you taking advantage of this New energy?
Are you aligned with NEW? Are you open to New?
Unfortunately, a large portion of people fall away from the energy of the New Year soon.
Studies show within the first month, the First week even, people are likely to fall away.
Studies also show that around 8% of people stick to the energy of the New Year and go on to complete their goals.
Grab a hold of this new energy while it lasts and allow it to support you, quantum leap you into your next.
Allow it to place you in the 8% that complete their goals.
Tap into NEW.
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Success On Purpose
Your Transformational Business and Mindset Coach
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