We hear people talk about having a Vision for where you want your biz/life to head all the time!

 It’s something you’ve definitely heard me mention if you are connected to me.

I decided to share what having a vision does for the business and life of a person who has one.

 It’s amazing how transformational it is!

There are a lot of great things a Vision will do for you.

I thought I’d share 6 things of them and what having a clear Vision has done for my Business Owner clients and definitely myself!

( video testimonial at the bottom)

  • 1 A vision gives you focus.
  • For instance, if you are driving to meet a friend in Atlanta, chances are slim that you will end up in New York.

Why, because you know your destination is Atlanta. Even if you don’t know how to get there, all the research that you do will be research that gets you to Atlanta.

You won’t waste your time looking for ways to get to New York. 

You won’t find yourself driving in the opposite direction.

Your focus will be on getting to Atlanta.

Your vision is to end up in Atlanta to meet your friend.

That is what you will focus on because you have vision for where you are headed!

It will do the same thing for your biz/life!

Vision brings a centralized focus on what to do, and how to devise a strategy to get there.

  • A vision causes growth

A vision is usually a lot further out from the original starting point. It will require research and learning new things.

You gain stamina, you make new connections,  and you step out of your comfort zone in order to make it happen.

A vision causes growth in your business and personal life.

  • 3 A vision brings fulfillment

There is nothing like setting out to do something that once seemed far from your reach and finally achieving and accomplishing it.

Often times, many small goals are met during the process of reaching or obtaining a particular vision. This will bring fulfillment and added motivation to contine pushing forward!

It’s an awesome feeling when we set your sights out to do something and it comes to past.

  • 4 A vision brings organization.

 A vision forces all of the unnecessary things out of the way in order to accomplish that particular task. 

You will find that some processes, connections, and daily habits just won’t work!

As you clearly define what your vision is and begin implementing you learn some much.

Because your vision is a lot further out than where you are now, you will need to add somethings and do other differently.

There are only 24 hours in a day and there is only so much you can do and do it well.

This means that you will eliminate the unnecessary and simplify your life and business in order to fulfill your vision! 

Walking out a Clear Vision for your life and Business will organically cause organization

A vision eliminates the unnecessary in a person’s  business/life in order to function at maximum ability.  A vision brings organization.

  • 5 A vision leads to clarity.  

A person focused on obtaining a particular vision has to be clear about where they’re headed.  What’s not good, who to be connected to, who not to be connected to, and what’s most important are all recognized when walking out a vision. A vision brings clarity.

  • 6 A vision leads to purpose.

 Last but not least, having a vision for your business, life, your marriage, and your family, often leads to purpose!

When we set our sights steadily on something it is in our human nature to find, become aware, or seek the purpose of a thing.

In many instances, vision and purpose are connected.

In my personal study time, I’ve stood on a few of my favorite scriptures that include VISION and easily saw how to apply the principles as it relates to my business and life!

Habakkuk 2:2  and Proverbs 29:18

When I recognized that vision brings clarity, purpose, focus, growth, organization, and fulfillment, there was no way I wanted to continue on without it.

I teach my clients the importance of Vision Clarity.

It allows them to reverse engineer their life and business and prosper!

Listen in as my client shares her experience.

Click Below!

Simone- 804 Braids- Licensed Cosmetologist

Testimonial from 1 of my clients


Do you have a clear Vision for your Life and Business?

It will cause an amazing shift for you!

I’d love to help you! 

Success On Purpose,



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Renew Full Circle Consulting Master Life And Business Coach