Paying others for services.

I recently saw a business owner say they wish they knew how to do graphic designs so they wouldn’t have to pay anyone to do them. Now as entrepreneurs, the goal is to keep expenses as low as possible without losing quality.  At the end of the day, it takes a lot of moving parts to make it happen in business that can be quite a bit of money! I get exactly where they were going. It is an added expense!

But, of course, my mind went somewhere completely different. The entrepreneurs I work with want to grow and have grown to the point where they can’t wait to pay a graphic design artist, or other professional to get some things off their plate for a few reasons.

One, let’s think about the role of the graphic designer in your business

( unless you are a graphic designer)  Nine times out of 10  graphic design is not your area of gifting and the time that it takes to create a graphic design at growth stages of your business you could be spending on getting better at what it is that you do. This is how my clients think. This allows them to create more value in the marketplace, be of more value, and then also receive on a different level according to their specific area of genius( not graphic design artist 🙂 )

2- When you pay others to do the things that are not necessarily your highest income producing task in your business you now make more room to grow. Even my clients who don’t originally think this way end up seeing the need to release some smaller task and delegate in order to develop mastery and GROW.

And thirdly it is also an opportunity to connect with another business, sow into another business( reaping and sowing principle) build great relationships and likely attract ideal customers for what it is that they do as well.

It is definitely a mindset shift that has to be made in the mind of an entrepreneur who wants to grow. So many times, we as business owners with a specific Niche, skillset, or ability attempt to do everything and be everything for everybody, This prohibits the potential to grow. In the seed stage of our business( the very beginning) it is likely that we do it ALLL.  But in a growth stage, having hands in so many different pots can lead to burn out, mediocre delivery of services, and untapped growth possibility.

Today, I want you to think about some of the things that you have to do in order to run your business successfully. Which of those things are task you can set a goal to no longer be the person who’s doing them?

You will find that clearing up your plate so that you can operate in your area of Genius will actually bring more Revenue into your business.  This is a mindset shift many entrepreneurs struggle to make. When our mindset is not in that state, the state of prosperity and growth, paying someone is often looked at as spending money.  So it’s always viewed as a problem. But when our mindset is shifted to that of an investor we see the people we bring on our team or the money we spend for people to help us accomplish a bigger goal as an investment. Being able to see things as an investment and not spending at all is one of the quickest ways to get on a growth path for your business.

What are some things you can set a goal to no longer have to do in your business and pass over to someone else?

Success on Purpose,

Your Transformational Growth Strategist


P.S. You can always schedule a complimentary call with me to discuss further growth strategies in your business. Just click here to find convenient time on my calendar 

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Renew Full Circle Consulting Master Life And Business Coach