If you’re reading this, the words LEVEL UP are probably not new to you at all.

It is a catchphrase that is common throughout many social media platforms.
Music artists are even developing their songs around the words LEVEL UP!
Leveling up is normally centered around going to the next level usually in you career and finances but it is definitely inclusive of many other aspects of your life.

But how does it happen?
This can be different for different people.

Here are some ways a level season occurs:

  • Level Up is often birthed in an environment where people are intentionally operating at the highest version of themselves.  Where you have imparted a new level of energy and belief from being aligned with people who are intent on being their best selves and it’s just normal.
  • You just happen to be in the right environment where you something or someone you admired that sparked your desire to do things differently.

  • You embrace your next level because you simply are tired of the results you’vebeen getting in your business and make a solid, well thought out clear plan to do something different! 

  • You began your next level process through your spiritual awareness that harnesses a completely new alignment. This is where you truly began to understand your birthright of abundance.

Whatever the case may be, all 5 of the things I mentioned have a great impact on the ease of obtaining your portion of NEXT LEVEL.

Ultimately it’s you “Operating at The Highest Version of Yourself”

…and much of leveling up is just that.

I thought I’d take a moment to talk about some of the things that affect your ability to level up.

  1. Your Vision


Now I talk about this often but today maybe it will shed new light. One of the major things that affect your ability to level up is having a vision.

One of the collective trends I’ve noticed as working with women to grow and build their business and brand is many are unclear on specifics of where it is they really want the fullness of their business to head( their vision). They may have a small thing they want to do for the day or the month,  But not anything BIG they can lean into, grow into, or stretch into.

 They simply started the business in order to start their own business,
At the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey just wanted to service a lot of people and make a lot of money. But I didn’t necessarily have a clear path of where I actually wanted that to lead me. Trust me on this. It will simply leave you working hard and unfulfilled eventually.

This was a consistent flow of only doing clients but not necessarily getting to a new level. It wasn’t until I got clear on where I wanted the skill set I had acquired and the business I was building to actually take me. (5 years later even 20 years later).

I got a clear vision and everything LEVELED UP!

Me, my income, my client experience, and my desires. Everything!

If you’re just doing your craft, whether it’s Coaching, Teaching, Training, offering a Service, or even selling products, that will be the consistent theme, even when you desire more!
Having a vision is going to be one of the major factors in you leveling up.
It will guide what you do daily, push you to stretch and grow, and ultimately help you create a business and lifestyle you love!

2-Your Perception of Yourself
“How On Earth does how you see yourself affect your ability to level up?”

Now, you know I have an example for you.  🙂 One that I really want you to take a moment to process and see if you’ve been doing in your own situation!
If you don’t have the proper perception of yourself you will build a business or brand you don’t love.
If you think you’re not good enough, if you think no one will pay you a certain amount, if you feel you aren’t capable you will simply build from that realm of thingking and that energy.
You’ll over give, under charge, people please, attempt all the new trends even those not in alignment and work harder than you have to.
This will cause you to feel cheated by clients (although you set your own prices), underpaid, slighted, and unworthy of your next level.

Your perception of yourself matters It’s a BIG deal.

Imagine you’re facing uncertainty in your life. During these times you may recognize you run more sales in your business, everything is always “going to be on sale”. It’s kind of like you subconsciously say. “If I make it cheap… I can get more butts in seats.” More clients in the Master Class or Program.
                         Which is rarely true.

It’s not about the price as much as it is the ENERGY behind it!

The BIG part is you will often struggle to get people to pay you when it’s not a sale.

(It becomes a concept of your BRAND in the marketplace

What’s actually happening is you are transferring what YOU FEEL YOU CAN AFFORD and your energy,

You’re transferring that onto the customers you serve and potential clients who find you.

You’re letting it roll throughout how you build your business.

Subconsciously you’re saying,

“My client can’t afford a $1,000+service, a premium offer or product, something expansive in nature because you can’t see yourself paying that in your current situation. 

The important thing to understand here is not to build your business based on what you think others can afford, but on the value, you place on the transformation you offer!

It’s important to adapt an abundance mindset.

A mindset where you are basing your service prices on the value of the service and not what you feel you/ or others can afford at this time.

What huge transformation do you offer your clients? Build from that energy! this is a huge part of the work I do with my clients. Helping them align with a more expansive energy in their brand and business-building process.

This is a huge reason I teach heavily on your mindset, your spirituality, and your personal development.

They are all so important because we build how we feel.
Your perception of yourself, what’s going on in your life, and what’s possible is going to be how you build your Brand.

 When you want to increase your income, learn what’s necessary to increase the value you offer.

Not knowing this will keep you from leveling up.
When you shift how you see yourself, the higher version of yourself will out-speak and outlive that lower version of you. 
IT CHOOSES GREATER Options always.!

It will always tell you to go and get what you deserve!

  • Take the Higher Road!
  • Spend time affirming yourself!
  • Spend time confirming your vision!

And if you don’t have one, make it a priority to get one!

3- Do you spend the majority of your time doing things that are good.. but not Great.

Doing great things is important. Good is often the enemy of great.

Good things are often distractions. Distractions don’t necessarily distract you because they’re easily recognized as bad. Normally distractions are able to do their job because they are seemingly good.

They simply aren’t a match or alignment for wat is great!

Oftentimes, many coaches and service providers spend a lot of time investing in things that are good but not things that are great for their evolution. It’s so easy as we are innodated with so much now. This is where you Clear Vision comes into play. It helps you center to things that align fully with where it is you desire to go and who you desire to become. Things that are on the same frequency and have the same vibration of what you truly desire.

Most things aren’t horrible at all. They just aren’t great for your long-term goals. They distract you from becoming who you need to some in order to bring those things into manifestation in your reality.
Good is the enemy of great.
You have things on your list of things to do that would fully align you with getting to the next level for your career, But your phone rings.
Three to four times throughout the day. It’s calls from of your good girlfriends. People you care about. Not about anything overly serious. Just chit-chatting or maybe even complaining about how life is unfair and all the bad things happening in the world.
You spend 2-4 hours in conversation pushing your alignment list to the back burner… yet again.


Maybe it’s scrolling on social media. How easy is it to get caught in that trap?

Maybe you belong to a committee or organization you’ve been a part of for years. You’ve grown and evolved and the organization no longer serves you. You know it. You dread going. It's the same thing each time perusual, and many of those things are good, but honestly they aren't great. They aren't on the level of service you really want to do in the world space. THe things in alignment with highest  version of you.
It’s a great organization, but it simply doesn’t align anymore. Not with where you are heading! 
But… you stay connected.
 Spending hours, and weekends each month with obligations to the committee or club.
Let it go. 

Give someone else the space to fulfill.

Pass the torch and consider things that align more fully with where you are heading!
You are not a bad person for growing on to greater!

Your desire and the highest version of you would choose to align and implement things necessary for your next level and schedule time for those good conversations later.

Don’t let good be the enemy of great!

 4 Your environment

Your environment has to be conducive to where you want to go! We are creatures of habit and some of the environments we finagle in are simply based on what we’ve always done and where we’ve always gone. with who we’ve always gone with.

 Now, this isn’t about getting rid of all your friends or people you’ve known all your life. This isn’t throwing all your friends away. Only you know, from a SOUL level when a friend season has a need, It’s actually beautiful to maintain friendships through growth whenever it’s possible. Whenever it’s not a hindrance.

But when you search your soul you find you no longer Vibe with the environment.
You no longer feel comfortable with the conversations in the environment, but still, continue to go.

It’s what you’ve always done, with the people you’ve always done it with. Maybe you have an internal fear people will think you feel you are better than them, you’ve changed, you’re not keeping it real, and you won’t be a part of , “in crowd” anymore. You are secretly concerned about what they are going to think.

Your Destiny will require you to dislodge from environments that no longer serve who you are or who you desire to become.

Your environment is so important.

Choosing can seem hard but not when you’ve decided you deserve and are worthy of the best.      Changing it can be uncomfortable, but what does not change does not grow.

Things you see, what you hear, and how you feel, all three are huge as it relates to leveling up. They are affected by your environment! 

If it doesn’t stretch you.

Light up your soul from a cellular level.

If it doesn’t make your heart desire what’s at the next level… chances are great that you need a change in environment.

I always encourage the women I work with to intentionally go to environments that remind them of their next level. Sit at the table with people who want things similar to you, if not greater. Places you may not be the smartest person in class or in the room.

Your environment affects your ability to level up!

– Your conversations
Not just the conversations you’re willing to have, but the conversations you’re willing to entertain. 

Have you ever been connected to someone on your timeline who never changes. Their conversation has been the same low vibration since 2009, when Face Book started. You may have Vibed with that initially , but you’re so far removed from that. Even if you don’t respond to the post, if you read them you are having conversation with them…in your mind.

This was a huge awareness for me personally. I had to change who I was seeing on my timeline because I was actually absorbing their energy, even though I had convinced myself I was.

You definitely get to choose the conversations that you allow. Ultimately what is being poured into you, what is allowed in your ear gate is what will come out.
For me, it was huge when I understood just how important what I was listening to was as it related to my next level.

If we are always having conversations or involvement with people who suck our energy dry, how do you find the energy needed for the next level?

What you continue to listen to and converse about will continue to be your reality! You need conversations that influence you to greater, affirm you, inform you, enlighten you about LEVELING UP!

You will consistently attract what you focus on the most!
There are so many things we may overlook that affect our ability to get to the next level!

I had a conversation where I go a little deeper about this in a video training.

(Click to see it)

Until next week, look at the 5 areas we discussed and make sure yours align with YOUR NEXT LEVEL!

They all affect your ability to LEVEL UP!

If you are ready to LEVEL UP in your Salon Career and Life we can hop on a call. Click to schedule complimentary time for us to speak. Click the SOAR CALL!
Success on Purpose,

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Renew Full Circle Consulting Master Life And Business Coach